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Presentation on theme: "N ORTH A FRICA, S OUTHWEST A SIA AND C ENTRAL A SIA."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT MAKES THIS A R EGION ? I. Deserts and Mountains II. Population that practices one of the three major monotheistic religions III. Possession of more than half of the worlds known oil reserves IV. A need for freshwater resources V. A history of external cultural influences

3 P HYSICAL G EOGRAPHY Tectonic activity responsible for shaping landscape 4 tectonic plates converge in this region Shifting plates have built mountains and frequently cause earthquakes Atlas mountains are found in North Africa Precipitation on northern side of mountains makes this an agriculturally productive region Along the coast of the Arabian Peninsula two mountain ranges, Hejaz and Asir, Asir region the most agriculturally productive region in Southwest Asia Caucus Mountains are found between the Caspian and Black Seas

4 P HYSICAL G EOGRAPHY Coastal Plains are the most fertile regions and support agriculture Major peninsulas- Arabian, Sinai, Anatolian Landlocked bodies of saltwater are found in the region Caspian Sea- largest inland body of water on Earth Dead Sea on the border of Israel and Jordan is at the mouth of the Jordan River Aral Sea in Central Asia 1960’s fourth largest body of water in the world Dried up in the 1970’s to present because of water used for irrigation to grow cotton, split the sea north and south


6 P HYSICAL G EOGRAPHY Water Systems Region lacks abundant water resources and rivers have always been important and affected development Nile River fertile land along river home to one of the worlds earliest civilizations 90% of population lives in Nile River delta (3% of Egypt’s land) Aswan High Dam on Nile provides hydroelectric power and water for agriculture Tigris- Euphrates valley in Southwest Asia was a cradle of civilization Today dams provide water for agriculture and hydroelectric power for Syria, Iraq and Turkey

7 P HYSICAL G EOGRAPHY Oil and natural gas are the most important natural resources in the region Region contains over 60% of the know world oil reserves Oil exports have enriched the region Economy can rise or sink because of fluctuation in world oil markets Many countries in the region are trying to diversify their economies away from reliance on oil exports

8 C LIMATE Water scarcity affects the regions climate Deserts cover more than 50% of the region Sahara Desert largest desert in the world, covers North Africa Weather patterns in deserts are extreme, cold nights and long hot summers Rub al-Khali in Saudi Arabia largest area of sand in the world Some nomadic herding and small scale farming is possible in oasis regions Villages develop around oases

9 C LIMATE Steppe is the second largest climate region Supports livestock grazing Mediterranean climates are found in coastal areas Countries rely on Mediterranean climates to export citrus fruits, olives to Europe and North America These regions also benefit from tourism


11 N ORTH A FRICA Indigenous cultures of North Africa have mixed with Arab and European cultures Spanish, French, Roman, Jewish and Muslim cultures have influenced the region European influence mainly in coastal North Arica (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) Primary cultural mixture is Arab and indigenous cultures Arab invaders mixed with native Berber people Berbers exist today as farmers and pastoral nomads Arabs migrated to the region around 600

12 N ORTH A FRICA Availability of water has influenced settlement Most people settled along seacoasts and river deltas Cairo, Egypt is one of the most densely populated cities on the planet

13 N ORTH A FRICA Location near Europe and Southwest Asia has made the region vulnerable to invasion over the centuries Regions farmers were among the first in the world to domesticate plants and animals One of the world first great civilizations developed in the Nile River Valley In the 600’s Arab invasions and heavily influenced cultures of the region The Arabs brought their language, architecture and Islam European colonial influence in the 1800’s helped develop the regions geometric boundaries

14 N ORTH A FRICA Egypt gained independence in 1922 from Great Britain Typically pro- Western in their views, country has a large military Their control of the Suez canal has made it a key regional power Egypt is also a center of Arab nationalism Algeria gained independence from France in 1962 They have developed their natural resources (oil) and raised their standard of living Libya gained independence from Italy in 1951 Since 1969 they have been ruled by a military dictator Muammar Kaddafi (until last year) Morocco and Tunisia gained independence from France in 1956

15 N ORTH A FRICA Most people in North Africa practice Islam Most share the Arabic language Literacy rates range widely from 52% in Morocco to 82% in Libya Health care is government run in most countries, with urban areas receiving better health care than rural areas

16 E ASTERN M EDITERRANEAN Countries in the region include: Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon Dry desert climate of the region causes majority of population to live along coasts and Euphrates River Valley Parts of region have highest population densities in the region Eastern Mediterranean is 75% urban People from over 100 countries have settled in Israel, makes an ethnically diverse country

17 E ASTERN M EDITERRANEAN Region is inhabited by Jews and Arabs Most Jews live in Israel Trace heritage to region that is today Israel and Lebanon Invasions led to exile and persecution, forced many Jews to relocate to different countries 1948 Israel founded as an independent Jewish state Arabs in region did not want Jewish state that had been their homeland for centuries, brought a series of six wars to the region sine 1948 Palestinians are the Arab people that live where Israel is today Many have been displaced from their homes and have been forced to become refugees

18 E ASTERN M EDITERRANEAN Three major religions began in region Judaism, Christianity, and Islam All three share similar beliefs, especially monotheism Judaism is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths Christianity was founded in the land of Israel in AD 30 Islamic tradition began on nearby Arabian peninsula and spread to the region by AD 700

19 E ASTERN M EDITERRANEAN Jews in the late 1800’s called Zionists, called for a return to Palestine and the foundation of a Jewish state After WWII the UN divided Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state 1948 Jews proclaim the independent state of Israel Series of wars occurred over the next 50 years and caused many Palestinians to become refugees Many Palestinians today live in Israeli controlled settlements in Israel Palestinians want an independent state of their own Israel agreed to give the Palestinians some self rule in the 1990’s, but have since changed their position The militant Palestinians group Hamas has supported attacks on Israeli territory

20 E ASTERN M EDITERRANEAN Most people in are Muslim Large groups of Christians live in Syria and Lebanon Hebrew is spoken in Israel, while other countries speak Arabic Literacy rates vary from 76% in Syria to 96% in Israel


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