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Cause & Effect The Method & The Process. The Method To divide the flow of events into reasons and results: this is the kind of analysis you make when.

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Presentation on theme: "Cause & Effect The Method & The Process. The Method To divide the flow of events into reasons and results: this is the kind of analysis you make when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause & Effect The Method & The Process

2 The Method To divide the flow of events into reasons and results: this is the kind of analysis you make when you write by the method of cause & effect You try to answer the question, why did something happen? Or the question, what were the consequences?

3 Be Careful... Don’t confuse cause & effect with the method of process analysis. These essays ask the question how, not why, did something happen?

4 The Process You can plan out an essay by arranging events in chronological order (or in reverse order) Beware of the logical fallacy post ho, ergo proper hoc (the Sheldon Cooper YouTube clip from last week). That is, don’t expect Event A to cause Event B just because A happened before B (or, Sheldon did not necessarily survive his trip to the Arctic because his mother’s prayer group prayed for him)

5 Ask Yourself...Burke’s Pentad 1. What act am I trying to explain? (Act) 2. What is the character, personality, or mental state of whoever acted? (Actors) 3. In what scene or location did the act take place, and in what circumstances? (Scene) 4. What instruments or means did the person use? (Agencies) 5. For what purpose did he or she act? (Purpose)

6 Give it a try! In your seating groups, answer one of the following questions using Burke’s Pentad (i.e. the five questions from the previous slide) 1. Why did the snowman melt? 2. Why did Canada totally own the Sochi Games? 3. Why are you the most awesome person you know? Why has grade 12 been the hardest year of high school? Make sure to share your cause & effects with the rest of the class!

7 I have a dream... As promised from Friday, here is Martin Luther King reciting his famous “I have a dream” speech. Feel free to revisit any discussions we had on this. Have your feelings towards the speech changed at all now that you’ve heard it performed? Discuss. Can you see elements of cause & effect writing present in this speech? Discuss. P.S. I was VERY proud of the level of discussion and analysis you guys produced during our roundtable discussion in the library on Friday. You guys are awesome! Keep up the great work :)

8 Work Time... Now that you have explored cause & effect writing, please read “The Cat” handout and answer the outlined questions. We will take this up and discuss tomorrow. P.S. there will be a homework check!

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