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PR Theory and Practice Dr. Ganahl Lindsey Olpp, Miriam Mealand, Monica Grater, Nadine De Jesus, Billy Lewis, Nikki Spickard 1.

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2 PR Theory and Practice Dr. Ganahl Lindsey Olpp, Miriam Mealand, Monica Grater, Nadine De Jesus, Billy Lewis, Nikki Spickard 1

3 Table of Contents 1.Mission Statement 2.History of WBUQ 3.Opportunity 4.Audiences 5.PR Type 6.Secondary Research 7.Intensive Interview 8.Input Objectives 9.Output Objectives: Uncontrolled 10.Output Objectives: Controlled 11.The Big Idea 12. Flow Chart 13.Spoken Tactics 14.Written Tactics 15.Electronic Tactics 16.Visual Tactics 17.Flyer 18.Special Events Tactics 19.Evaluation 20.Tracking the Campaign 21.Suggestions 2 Pg 3 Pg 4 Pg 5 Pg 6 Pg 7 Pg 8 Pg 9-11 Pg 12 Pg 13 Pg 14 Pg 15 Pg 16 Pg 17 Pg 18 Pg 19 Pg 20 Pg 21 Pg 22-23 Pg 24 Pg 25 Pg. 26

4 Mission Statement To raise awareness, participation, and funding in Bloomsburg University’s radio station, WBUQ, by targeting the student population as well as other young adults in the area. 3

5 History of WBUQ Founded in 1985 Started out very faculty involved and took about 15 years to get the station up and running When DiGiorgio started overseeing the club/station and got the website up and running in 2010, the station and the website needed a lot of improvement. The equipment they weren’t using they disposed of, and there was a lot of equipment that needed to be replaced. To fix, repair and replace the equipment in WBUQ cost a whopping $12,000. 4

6 Opportunity WBUQ is a student run club at Bloomsburg University where every student has the option to get involved and listen to the station 24/7. The station is extremely unique because it plays a wide variety of music so students are bound to hear something they like. DJ’s are allowed to talk about whatever they like in their broadcasts which make the content extremely diverse. 5

7 Audiences Primary : The students of Bloomsburg University Secondary : High School students within the area Young nonstudent adults Bloomsburg community and surrounding areas 6

8 PR Type Proactive PR Campaign – Development – Media Relations 7

9 Secondary Research Other Radio Stations: – Elizabethtown Radio – Pandora – Sirius XM – Z100 – 104.5 – KUTX 8

10 Intensive Interview About the Station: 6-7 executive members that keep the club and the station running smoothly As of right now, there are 15-20 regular DJ’s that jump in and out with broadcasts when their school schedule allows. The signal of WBUQ can be heard as far as 25-30 miles away. The old logo that was the New Jersey devil was just replaced this spring with a husky. The station does not have a set genre. The DJ’s are free to talk about what they like as long as it is appropriate. For the primary research on our client WBUQ, our class interviewed the faculty advisor of the radio station, Mike DiGiorgio. 9

11 Intensive Interview Continued… Station: 50% automated and 50% show based The shows this semester are a mix of talk shows, interviews, a lot of sports shows, and even a video game show. The music selection ranges from a lot of music from the 1990’s, to modern day hip-hop, to rock and roll, to even an 80’s music block. The DJ’s have the option to play whatever they like. DiGiorgio said that he likes this wide range of music because people can appreciate the uniqueness of the radio. 10

12 Intensive Interview Continued… Obstacles: Many students are not aware the station exists Expensive to run and operate Need to increase budget for giveaways, events, etc. “Finicky” live stream Needs new identity (slogan) and banner Needs more commitment from DJ’s 11

13 Input Objectives 1) Building Awareness 2) Improving WBUQ’s image: Branding 3) Get others involved and to Take Action 12

14 Output Objectives: Uncontrolled The Voice, BUnow, Local Newspapers: To get more advertisements and raise awareness about the station Have written articles promoting special events and news about the station BU Today page: Have the school’s website promote WBUQ by advertising their station 13

15 Output Objectives: Controlled Twitter: Get their Twitter account more involved with posting more tweets and updates about promotions and special events Facebook: Advertise their Facebook page more so they can get more likes and to get them to post more statuses about what is going on Website: Update their website so there is more information about their station and get their website domain about more Station: Have more promotions and special events to get more listeners involved and interested 14

16 Call 91.1 To Save You During a Musical Emergency! 15

17 Flow Chart 16

18 Spoken Tactics Informational lectures at Freshman Orientation Utilize Bloomsburg University’s open houses and tours WBUQ representative speaking about the club and recruiting members at the beginning of the semester in Freshman level Mass Communication courses 17

19 Written Tactics The Voice Press Enterprise Daily Item Brochure Press Release 18

20 Electronic Tactics BUnow, WBUQ website, BloomU Today Utilizing all forms social media Develop an app for smartphones/other devices to make streaming more efficient & easier to access Radio ads – Contests/giveaways – Promo ads on other stations 19

21 Visual Tactics TV Commercial Develop a slogan to catch people’s attention Distribute monthly flyers – Can promote contests or events – Newsletter Station Banner outside of McCormick that notifies people passing by where the music is coming from that they’re hearing Let 91.1 Be Your Music Savior! 20

22 Flyer 21

23 Special Events Tactics Go to local sporting events & other extracurricular activities Put on a Battle of the Bands Have an open mic night periodically where local talent can be showcased & donations can be given Set up a stand at local events such as Bloomsburg’s Renaissance Fair & Danville’s Spring Fling Take advantage of the Quad – Concerts – Contests/games – Use spoken tactics to inform others of WBUQ 22

24 Special Events Tactics Work with the University Store to have a monthly giveaway or contests where listeners could get discounts on textbooks or clothing Bracelet fundraising Contests & giveaways to entice people to listen/participate – Win tickets to shows – Gift cards to local businesses 23

25 Evaluation With our year long campaign, we hope to: – Increase the awareness of WBUQ – Increase the participation in WBUQ – Make WBUQ more active around the Bloomsburg campus and the community – Have WBUQ become more accessible on smart phones and improve their media sources Our campaign will be successful if the WBUQ name is more widely known. 24

26 Tracking the Campaign Real World Indicators Primary Research Media Relations 25

27 Increased Social Media Involvement Giveaways More Advertising (Banner, Flyers, Commercial) Target Sporting Events as Places to Advertise New Logo/Slogan Get People Involved 26 Suggestions

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