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C H A P T E R E I G H T Functional Programming Programming Languages – Principles and Paradigms by Allen Tucker, Robert Noonan.

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1 C H A P T E R E I G H T Functional Programming Programming Languages – Principles and Paradigms by Allen Tucker, Robert Noonan

2 Background: Functional programming originated in the 1960s to support research in AI and symbolic computing. The first functional language was Lisp created by John McCarthy. Other languages have followed, such as Scheme, Miranda, NL, and Haskell. Functional languages continue to be heavily used in applications such as theorem proving, rule-based systems, and natural language processing.

3 Characteristics: In functional programming computation is viewed as a mathematical function mapping inputs to output. There is no implicit notation of state. In “pure” functional languages there is no assignment statement. Loops are modeled by recursion. Most functional languages do provide assignment statements and loop constructs since they are useful (even to theoreticians).

4 Functions & The Lambda Calculus: Consider the mathematical square function: Square(n) = n * n The function provides a mapping from the set of real numbers (its domain) to the set of real numbers (its range): Square: R  R In the lambda calculus the square function can be expressed as: ( x x*x) Application of the lambda expression is given: (( x x*x)2)

5 Pure Lambda Calculus Defined: Any identifier is a lambda expression. If M and N are lambda expressions, then the application of M to N, written (MN), is a lambda expression. An abstraction, written ( x M), where x is an identifier and M is a lambda expression, is also a lambda expression. Alonzo Church, in 1941, defined a pure lambda calculus as follows:

6 The Lambda Calculus: In the lambda expression ( x M) the identifier x is said to be bound in the subexpression M. Any identifier not bound is said to be free. Bound identifiers are placeholders that can be renamed using any identifier free in M without changing the meaning of the expression. Free identifiers are defined as: free(x) = x free(MN) = free(M)  free(N) free( x M) = free(M) – {x}

7 The Lambda Calculus: A substitution of an expression N for an identifier (variable) in M, written M[N/x], can be defined as: 1.If the free variables of N have no bound occurrences in M, then the term M[N/x] is formed by replacing all free occurrences of x in M by N. 2.Otherwise, assume that the variable y is free in N and bound in M. Consistently replace the binding and the corresponding bound occurrences of y in M by a new variable (say u). Repeat renaming bound variables in M until the condition in step 1 applies, then proceed with step 1.

8 Beta-reductions: The meaning of a lambda expression is defined by the following rule: (( x M)N)  M[N/x] If P is a lambda expression, then a redux of P is any subexpression obtained by a beta-reduction. A lambda expression that does not containing a function application is called a normal form. An example of an evaluation: (( y (( x xyz)a))b)  (( a ayz)b)  (abz)

9 Functional Programming Languages: A functional programming language is an applied lambda calculus with constant values and functions built in. Some evaluate all function arguments at call time (eager evaluation) and some do not (lazy evaluation). Some functions can’t be safely defined using eager evaluation: (if (= x 0) 1 (/ 1 x)) Haskell uses lazy evaluation while Scheme uses eager evaluation (why?).

10 Scheme: Scheme is based on Lisp and is one of the two major variants of Lisp still in widespread use. Scheme is a statically scoped dialect of Lisp invented by G. L. Steele Jr. and Gerald Sussman. The text uses a subset of Scheme that lacks an assignment statement and can be viewed as a “pure” functional language. Programs are written as recursive functions on input values which produce output values. Input values are not modified.

11 Scheme Expressions: Expressions in Scheme use Cambridge-prefix notation: (+ 2 2); evaluates to 4 (+); evaluates to 0 (+ 5); evaluates to 5 (+ 5 4 3 2 1); evaluates to 15 (*) ; evaluates to 1 (* 5); evaluates to 5 (* 1 2 3 4 5); evaluates to 120

12 Scheme Expressions: Complex expressions are built by nesting: (+ (* 5 4) (- 6 2))  5*4 + (6 – 2) Global variables are defined using the define function: (define f 120) The define function changes the environment and can be treated as an assignment statement. There is also a set! statement that is a true assignment statement (which we will ignore).

13 Expression Evaluation: Names of symbols are replaced with their current bindings: f; evaluates to 120 (+ f 5); evaluates to 125 Lists are evaluated as function calls: (+ 5 4 3 2 1); call with 5 arguments (+ (5 4 3 2 1)) ; error, 5 isn’t a function (f); error, f isn’t a function Constants evaluate to themselves: 5; evaluates to 5 Nil; evaluates to nil, predefined #t; true, also predefined

14 Expression Evaluation: Quote or an “’” is used to prevent list evaluation: (define colors (quote (red yellow green))) (define colors ‘(red yellow green)) You can also quote symbols: (define x f); defines x to be value of f (define x ‘f) ; defines x to be the symbol f (define acolor ‘red); defines acolor to be red (define acolor red); error, symbol red not defined

15 Lists: Lists are the fundamental data type of Scheme, used for both commands and for data. Scheme lists always end in nil, a special predefined constant. A list that doesn’t properly end with a nil will be displayed like this: (0 2 4 6. 8) This type of structure is abnormal but can be formed using some of the list manipulation functions provided in the language. Nil can be thought of as a null pointer…

16 Structure of a List in Scheme Figure 8.1 (a) (b) Correct! Wrong!

17 Basic Functions: The basic list construction function is cons: (cons 8 nil); gives (8) (cons 6 (cons 8 nil); gives (6 8) (cons 4 (cons 6 (cons 8 nil))); gives (4 6 8) A scheme list has two parts, a “head” and the rest of the list or “tail”. The car and cdr functions return the head and tail: (define evens ‘(0 2 4 6 8)) (car evens); gives 0 (cdr evens); gives (2 4 6 8) (car (cdr evens)); gives 2 (cadr evens); gives 2 (cdr (cdr evens); gives (4 6 8) (cddr evens); gives (4 6 8)

18 More Basic Functions: You can use the list function for building lists: (list 1 2 3 4); gives (1 2 3 4) (list ‘(1 2) ‘(3 4) 5); gives ((1 2) (3 4) 5) (list evens ’(10 12)); gives ((0 2 4 6 8) (10 12)) To concatenate two lists use append: (append ‘(1 2) ‘(3 4)); gives (1 2 3 4) (append ‘(7 8) ‘()); gives (7 8) (append evens ‘(10 12)); gives (0 2 4 8 10 12) To add a single number to the front of a list use the cons function: (cons 10 evens); gives (10 0 2 4 6 8) See the book’s overview for may others.

19 Defining Functions: The define function is used to define functions. (define name (lambda (arguments) function-body) for example: (define min (lambda (x y) (if (< x y) x y))) An alternate way of writing defines is: (define (name arguments) function-body) for example: (define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- 0 x) x)) and (define (factorial n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))) ))

20 Next time… Haskell

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