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This Cup of Tea is for Me. Do Unto your self before you do unto others We all lead busy lives. We have jobs, clubs, family and a social life. With so.

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Presentation on theme: "This Cup of Tea is for Me. Do Unto your self before you do unto others We all lead busy lives. We have jobs, clubs, family and a social life. With so."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Cup of Tea is for Me

2 Do Unto your self before you do unto others We all lead busy lives. We have jobs, clubs, family and a social life. With so much going on, the one thing that we let slip is taking care of ourselves. But, taking care of ourselves is so important, and not doing so affects the different activities we are involved in. Here are some tips for leading a healthier lifestyle :

3 Orchestrating Your Own Life

4 Remember to have “me” time. You may need to schedule a day off each week or set aside an hour for yourself every day to make sure this happens. Turn off your computer and cell phone and make sure you enjoy time to yourself. Free your mind and don’t feel guilty about needing your space.

5 Maintain important relationships. Make a phone call to someone you love on your way to work or on your lunch break. Read a bedtime story to your children or cuddle with your mate. It can be a great help if you make sure you have someone in your life that you take pleasure in spending time with or talking to.

6 Eat properly and exercise. Take vitamins and drink plenty of water. Try to pack healthy snacks if you don’t have much time for full meals. Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in your energy level and sense of balance. Don’t worry about exercising for long periods of time; just make sure you put forth maximum effort during those 20 to 30 minutes a day. Make it fun for yourself—go skating or play basketball with friends.

7 Get your rest. You will feel more energized if you get a good night’s rest. You’ll also be more efficient during your waking hours

8 Know when to say no. You are not super human. You have limitations. It is okay, and even healthy, to say no when you feel that you are being stretched too far. Trust someone else to handle part of the load.

9 Know when to say yes. Learn to accept help from others when you need it and when it will allow more time for yourself. Say yes to opportunities when they come along. Say yes to yourself when it is something you really want or want to do.

10 Pamper yourself. Go get a manicure and pedicure. Soak in a candle lit bubble bath or sit out at the beach. Get a new hair cut or buy a new outfit. Do something special just for yourself.

11 Tend to your mind. Busy days can be draining over time. Remember to renew your mind. Meditate, read scriptures or uplifting quotes. Keep a journal and remain in contact with the voice of your heart.

12 Let loose. Give yourself time to just let loose every once in a while and not have to be responsible for a moment. Eat sweets for dinner, watch a silly movie, and sleep late.

13 Don’t stress over the small stuff. If something is out of your control or you don’t have enough time to tend to every detail—don’t stress! Often times, the small stuff can build up and we begin to feel overwhelmed; recognize when it’s okay not to attend to a matter and let it go.


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