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Community Mapping in Empiron. Community Mapping Water sources and herding patterns Role of women – “we were living with a cloth over our eyes, but now.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Mapping in Empiron. Community Mapping Water sources and herding patterns Role of women – “we were living with a cloth over our eyes, but now."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Mapping in Empiron

2 Community Mapping Water sources and herding patterns Role of women – “we were living with a cloth over our eyes, but now the cloth has been removed”

3 Road within Impiron Temporary river mentioned by men as well 1 2 3 4 Curio shop 5 6

4 7 This photo was taken along the road within Impiron. In the middle ground is area 2 and in the background is area 1. The foreground may be an abandoned rainfed field or a fallow field (most probably the former)

5 11 Facing mama’s area 1and 2 in the horizon. Foreground is fallow/abandoned

6 14 Similar to 7, 8, 11, 13, 14,

7 9 This photo was taken within impiron not too far from the KAG church. Foreground is a farm, but most of the photo is area 4. On photo on slide titled 10 (taken from same place facing same general direction) one can see cattle grazing on field not currently planted. Mamas talked about this use of fields for grazing during long dry season

8 10 Facing mama’s area 3. see info on slide titled 9

9 12 Facing mama’s area 1 and 2. hill in back was on men’s map (near temp stream west of impiron)

10 Paths of diversification Receding of agriculture at the frontier of rainfed cultivation? Future of tourism economy on Loitoktok side of Amboseli? Changing landscape of urban remittances? How will these affect diversification patterns at the extremes of the wealth spectrum?

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