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Presentation to NCOP May 2004 Branch: Biodiversity & Conservation Programme 5.

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1 Presentation to NCOP May 2004 Branch: Biodiversity & Conservation Programme 5

2 To promote and conserve South Africa’s Biological Diversity, manage conservation to protect for the sustainable utilization of natural resources for the benefit of all Purpose of the Programme Purpose of the Programme

3 Achievements 2003 / 2004  Legislation  NEM: Protected Areas Act – Assented to by President (S75) (Act No 57 of 2003)  NEM: Biodiversity Bill – Approval by Parliament  Policy Development  CBNRM guidelines finalised and launched  Draft National Biodiversity Strategy developed  Transfrontier Conservation Area’s  AI/AIS – Richtersveld TFCP Treaty signed  Memorandum of Understanding for Limpopo / Shashe – finalised (Presidential approval for signing obtained)

4 Achievements 2003 / 2004…….cont  Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park  Develop border post between SA and Mozambique  New road and accommodation projects completed  Drop of 16km fence between SA / Mozambique  Biodiversity and Heritage  Maphungubwe inscribed as Cultural World Heritage Site  Cultural Heritage Resources Management and Tourism guidelines developed  Protected Areas  Agreement on declaration of Blyde as National Park  121 000 ha added to Protected Areas system  Consensus with Eastern Cape Province on Conservation Areas for Wild Coast

5 Programme Activities 2004/5 Programme Activities 2004/5  Increase Tourism Infrastructure in Protected Areas  New wilderness camp – Kgalagadi.  Open Mata-Mata Gate between SA / Namibia.  New road to Kgalagadi TFCP  Implementation of Protected Areas Act  Norms and Standards  Regulations for South Africa National Parks  Framework for Management Plans  Protected Areas Register

6 Programme Activities 2004/5 cont…. Programme Activities 2004/5 cont….  Implementation of Biodiversity Act  Establish South African National Biodiversity Institute  Alignment of Provincial Ordinances - Audit  National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan approved by Cabinet  Listing of Alien Invasive Species and Control programme

7 Programme Activities 2004/5 cont…. Programme Activities 2004/5 cont….  Establish a national system of managing Biodiversity and Conservation  Expand Protected Areas by 35 000 ha.  Declare Qwa-Qwa / Golden Gate as one National Park.  Drop ±18km fence at Kruger National Park (SA / Mozambique).  Sign MoU with Botswana / Zimbabwe-Limpopo Shashe TFCP.  Inscription of Cape Floral Kingdom as World Heritage Site.  Implement Community Based Natural Resource guidelines.  Trade procedure for sale of ivory finalised.  Effective participation in International Forums.  Implementation of National Action Plan and Desertification.

8 MTEF- Allocation 2004/05… MTEF- Allocation 2004/05… BRANCH : PersonnelR 11 387 million Operational R 26 430 million TotalR 37 817 million TRANSFER PAYMENTS to ENTITIES: Great St Lucia Wetlands per Authority R 9 596 MILLION South Africa National Parks Financial Assistance R 68 631 Park development R 41 000 Road subsidy R 12 000 Total R121 631 million

9 MTEF-Allocation 2004/05 ……..Continue MTEF-Allocation 2004/05 ……..Continue National Botanical Institute Financial Assistance R 63 272 Working for Wetlands R 30 000 Infrastructure Investment R 14 500 R 107 772 Grand TotalR 276 816 million


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