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SUMMARY OF IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS TB Project Round 1 Strengthening access to WHO Standard TB Care and Services for Marginalized Population, Cross-border.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY OF IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS TB Project Round 1 Strengthening access to WHO Standard TB Care and Services for Marginalized Population, Cross-border."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMARY OF IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS TB Project Round 1 Strengthening access to WHO Standard TB Care and Services for Marginalized Population, Cross-border Population, Under-privileged urban poor and HIV infected persons in Thailand (Prison Border Urban and TB-HIV)

2 Sub Recipients : TB Project Round 1 Large prisons : 1) Department of Correction (DoC) 2)Bureau of Tuberculosis (BTB) Border area : 1)Bureau of Tuberculosis (BTB) 2) World Vision Foundation of Thailand-Ranong (WVFT-Ranong) 3) World Vision Foundation of Thailand- Phang-nga (WVFT-Phang-nga) 4) Kwai River Christian Hospital (KRCH) Urban poor area : 1)Bureau of Tuberculosis (BTB) 2) Anti-TB Association Thailand: Chiang Mai (ATAT-Chiang Mai) 3) Srivichai 5 Hospital TB-HIV : 1)Bureau of Tuberculosis (BTB) 2) Thailand Business Coalition on AIDS (TBCA) TB Project Round 1

3 Objective and Indicator TB Project TB Project Round 1

4 Objective 1 : To expansion of WHO standard TB case management with DOTS strategy to control TB and prevent TB transmission in Large Prisons in Thailand. Indicator 1.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in prisons with adequate drug supply [SR: DOC, BTB] Indicator 1.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: DOC, BTB] Indicator 1.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: DOC, BTB] TB Project Round 1-Prison

5 Indicator 1.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in prisons with adequate drug supply [SR: DOC, BTB] Q16 : Success Rate = 100% TB Project Round 1-Prison

6 Indicator 1.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: DOC, BTB] Q16 : Success Rate = 87.5% TB Project Round 1-Prison

7 Indicator 1.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: DOC, BTB] Successfully treated (74.3%) Default (1.18%) Die (10.78%) Transferred out (11.96%) and Failure (1.77%) TB Project Round 1-Prison

8 Objective 2 : To expansion of WHO standard TB case management with TB strategy to control TB in border area and cross-border population in Thailand.(SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT-Phang-nga, KRCH) Indicator 2.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in border district and districts with high migrant population with adequate drug supply [SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT- Phang nga, KRCH] Indicator 2.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT-Phang nga, KRCH] Indicator 2.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT-Phang nga, KRCH] TB Project Round 1-Border

9 Q16 : Success Rate = 100% TB Project Round 1-Border Indicator 2.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in border district and districts with high migrant population with adequate drug supply [SR: BTB, WVFT- Ranong, WVFT-Phang nga, KRCH]

10 Indicator 2.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT-Phang nga, KRCH] Q16 : Success Rate = 112.6% TB Project Round 1-Border

11 Indicator 2.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: SR: BTB, WVFT-Ranong, WVFT- Phang nga, KRCH] Successfully treated (76.57%) Default (10.04%) Die (8.03%) Transferred out (3.04%) and failure (2. 31%) TB Project Round 1-Border

12 Objective 3 : To expansion of WHO standard TB case management with DOTS strategy to control TB in Urban Poor area in Thailand. (SR: BTB, ATAT- Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital) TB Project Round 1-Urban Indicator 3.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in municipality/sub districts areas with adequate drug supply [SR: BTB, ATAT- Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital] Indicator 3.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: BTB, ATAT-Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital] Indicator 3.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: BTB, ATAT-Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital]

13 Indicator 3.1 Cumulative number of DOTS services, DOTS corner and TB clinic in municipality/sub districts areas with adequate drug supply [SR: BTB, ATAT-Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital] Q16 : Success Rate = 95% TB Project Round 1-Urban

14 Indicator 3.2 Cumulative number of new smear positive TB cases detected [SR: BTB, ATAT-Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital] Q16 : Success Rate = 118% TB Project Round 1-Urban

15 Indicator 3.3 Percentage of new smear positive TB cases registered under DOTS [SR: BTB, ATAT-Chiang Mai, Srivichai 5 Hospital] Successfully treated (78.42%) Default (6.80%) Die (8.89%) Transferred out (3.39%) and Failure (2.5%) TB Project Round 1-Urban

16 Objective 4 : To scale up and Expand HIV-TB care and prevention in high HIV prevalent provinces (SR: BTB, TBCA) TB Project Round 1-TB HIV Indicator 4.1 Cumulative number of provinces providing intergrated AIDS-TB care [SR: BTB] Indicator 4.2 Cumulative number of HIV-TB coordinator and local staff trained on integrated care [SR: BTB, TBCA] Indicator 4.3 Cumulative number of PLWHA receiving TB screening services [SR: BTB, TBCA] Indicator 4.4 Cumulative number of TB patients receive HIV counseling and testing [SR: BTB, TBCA]

17 Indicator 4.1 Cumulative number of provinces providing intergrated AIDS- TB care [SR: BTB] Q16 : Success Rate = 116% TB Project Round 1-TB HIV

18 Indicator 4.2 Cumulative number of HIV-TB coordinator and local staff trained on integrated care [SR: BTB, TBCA] Q16 : Success Rate = 469.6% TB Project Round 1-TB HIV

19 Indicator 4.3 Cumulative number of PLWHA receiving TB screening services [SR: BTB, TBCA] Q16 : Success Rate = 136.8% TB Project Round 1-TB HIV

20 Indicator 4.4 Cumulative number of TB patients receive HIV counseling and testing [SR: BTB, TBCA] Q16 : Success Rate = 202.9% TB Project Round 1-TB HIV

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