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Galactosemia Name: Olivia Taylor, Julia D, and Varsha M. Date: January 28, 2010 Period: 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Galactosemia Name: Olivia Taylor, Julia D, and Varsha M. Date: January 28, 2010 Period: 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galactosemia Name: Olivia Taylor, Julia D, and Varsha M. Date: January 28, 2010 Period: 3

2 Summary of Galactosemia Is an inherited disease that makes the host unable to metabolize galactose. Galactose- is a simple sugar, found in ½ of milk. People with Galactosemia either don’t have, or lack the enzyme (GALT) that helps break down galactose. Infants that inherit Galactosemia who are feed dairy/milk products will have jaundice, vomiting, lethargy, and also mental retardation, cirrhosis, and kidney failure can occur. Did You Know Children with Galactosemia have lower (IQ) levels then their siblings, and that most girls with it, can’t conceive naturally. Though boys have normal testicular function.

3 .Galactosemia gene is located on the chromosome 9.

4 Mode of Inheritance 1.How do you get this disorder? – Autosomal recessive pattern – To get this disorder, a child must get one defective gene from each parent – If the child inherits one normal & one bad gene, they are okay. But can still pass the bad one to their kids. This gives their child another possibility of having Galactosemia. 2.What’s an Autosomal Recessive? – Is when a child has to get a copy of a gene from each parent to have that trait 3.What’s an Autosomal Dominant? – Is when a child has to only get one defected gene from one parent to inherit a disease 4.What’s Sex linked/X-linked? Is when a gene gets carried on a sex chromosome, especially an x-chromosome  XX- Female  XY-Male  Determines sex & sex characteristics

5 What are Alleles Alleles are represented by a small letter on the punnett square. -Capital letters are dominant, and lower case letters are recessive. Alleles are a way to identify in a gene pair, which gene produces what phenotypes. You get them from your parents Depending on the disease a small letter (Alleles) can be good or bad genes. In our disease it is bad. Example: In order to have Galactosemia you need two bad genes, or two small Alleles, or recessive(aa) genes. Having two of the same genes (aa) is called a homozygous pair. To be a carrier you need a dominant and a recessive gene (Aa), having a bad and a good genes is called a Heterozygous pairs.

6 Punnett squares to show the possibility of each child receiving the galactosemia gene gg= homozygous recessive (has the complete galactosemia gene) GG= homozygous dominant (does not have the gene at all) Gg= heterozygous dominant (Has a part of the gene but it does not show).Remember each punnett square is the possibility for EACH child to get the galactosemia gene!.The Father is on the top of the punett square and the mother is on the left of the punnett square. GG g Gg g Gg G GG Gg g gg Father MOTHErMOTHEr MOTHERMOTHER

7 Punnett Square to explain probability with Ratios, and Percentages. Ratios- 1gg 1GG 2Gg Homozygous recessive Homozygous dominant Heterozygous dominan t If you add them up they should = 4 because there are only 4 possibilities Percentages- Homozygous recessive Homozygous dominant Heterozygous dominant 25% 25% 50% gg GG Gg All the percentages added must equal 100%, because there are four boxes each representing 25%

8 What color each letter represents G is the dominant allele which is pink g is the recessive allele which is orange Phenotype is what we would see GG would be fully pink Gg would be part pink and part orange gg would be fully orange Genotype is what is in our genes GG is Homozygous dominant, which is pink Gg is Heterozygous dominant, which is pink gg is homozygous recessive, which is orange Gg gGgGggg gGgGg GG gGgGgGgGg gGgGgGgGg Father MotherMother MotherMother Here we use the punnett squares to show what we can see and what is in our genes

9 Delete this when your done but for number 8 slide, where under phenotype it says Gg would be part pink and part orange…… (I highlighted it for you) Well would the punnett square be fully pink or part pink and orange. I thought it would be pink and orange like I did already but idk. So if u guys know fix it thanks!! Also don’t forget to fix the letter on the top being the father’s genes and the mother’s genes. If their incorrect too


11 Lastly, a 3 generation hypothetical pedigree Autosomal Dominant Circle: Female Square: Male All White: Person has two healthy genes ½ Orange, ½ white: Person is a carrier, has one good gene and one bad gene All Orange: Person has the disease, has two bad genes Autosomal recessive All Orange :Person has two bad genes, is infected. All white: Person may be a carrier of disorder, but is fine. X-Linked Glactosemia male All orange square: gene is bad on X chromsome, Normal male All white square: gene is good on X chromsome. Glactosemia female All orange circle: gene is bad on X chromsome Carrier Glactosemia Female ½ orange, ½ white: Carrier of Glactosemia, bad gene on X, or Y. Is fine, but is a carrier, meaining having a good and bad gene.

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