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AUDIENCES SERVED and HOW SPIRITUAL Discipleship: High School & College Students Single Moms & Widows Corporate & Global Leaders Evangelism Marriage Preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "AUDIENCES SERVED and HOW SPIRITUAL Discipleship: High School & College Students Single Moms & Widows Corporate & Global Leaders Evangelism Marriage Preparation."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUDIENCES SERVED and HOW SPIRITUAL Discipleship: High School & College Students Single Moms & Widows Corporate & Global Leaders Evangelism Marriage Preparation & Marriage Enrichment: College Age and 20 Something Single and Married Adults Spiritual Reminders PHYSICAL Financial and Material Support For: People with Special Needs Single Moms & Widows Orphans Unemployed & Underemployed

2 PAMPHLETS (click on image to view transcript) When Someone You Love Passes Away – encourages someone to depend on God for their peace during a tough time after losing someone from their life. A Different Perspective on Blessings – this pamphlet encourages everyone to acknowledge that everything they have and everything they are comes from God. Dear Heavenly Father Prayer – this prayer encourages everyone on an appropriate way to approach and relate to God.

3 PAMPHLETS (click on image to view transcript) Five Steps to Living According to the Spirit of God – this pamphlet encourages everyone on what it means to live the Christian life, by faith and not by sight. Why Do We Celebrate Someone’s Birthday – this pamphlet encourages everyone on the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ.

4 PAMPHLETS (click on image to view transcript) Questions for Every Little Girl – this pamphlet encourages parents to have their young daughters answer some very important questions about how they represent themselves to the opposite sex and for what they want their lives to stand. PEACE – Do You Have It? – this pamphlet encourages everyone on how to have TRUE, lasting peace, NO MATTER what the circumstances are in their life.

5 THANK YOU!! Thank you very much for taking the time to review this information. May God bless you for whatever you can do to help us build up the Kingdom of God!

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