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BLOCK  is enclosed by curly brackets {}.  Keep in mind that blocks are always bounded by curly brackets, even if your block has only one code line.

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Presentation on theme: "BLOCK  is enclosed by curly brackets {}.  Keep in mind that blocks are always bounded by curly brackets, even if your block has only one code line."— Presentation transcript:


2 BLOCK  is enclosed by curly brackets {}.  Keep in mind that blocks are always bounded by curly brackets, even if your block has only one code line.  Every block statement is evaluated by Perl as an individual statement.

3 The syntax format for a Perl BLOCK { statement;... statement; statement; }

4 We use blocks: with the conditional statements like if and unless with the loop statements like while, for, foreach, until by itself, and in this case we call them bare or naked blocks

5 Bare Block can be labeled or not and it can be assimilated with a loop that is executed only once and therefore you can use within it the loop controls: next, last, redo.

6 can be used with one of the following syntax forms: LABEL BLOCK LABEL BLOCK continue BLOCK

7 Anonymous Block  Is an unlabelled bare block. { my $var1 = 2+4; my $pi = 3.14; my $var = $var1 + $pi; } Example:

8 You can name a block by giving it a label that represents an identifier for it. The label: precedes the block begins with a letter or an underscore (_) and can contain either underscores or alphanumerical characters ends with the colon character (:) NOTE: As a rule of thumb, I suggest you to use for labels only uppercase characters, so as not to conflict with reserved words - because Perl language is case sensitivity.

9 Example of a Labeled Bare Block: @numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); $count = 5; MYLABEL: { next if $count-- == 0; $count1 = $count; # increment each element of the array $_++ foreach @numbers; redo; }continue { print "\@numbers = (@numbers)\n"; } print "that's all\n";

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