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Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University1 Part Five The Nervous System ( 神经系统 ) Introduction ( 概述 )Introduction ( 概述 ) The.

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2 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University1 Part Five The Nervous System ( 神经系统 ) Introduction ( 概述 )Introduction ( 概述 ) The peripheral nervous system ( 周围神经系 )The peripheral nervous system ( 周围神经系 ) The central nervous system ( 中枢神经系 )The central nervous system ( 中枢神经系 )

3 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University2 Chapter 1 Introduction  A. Division of the nervous system 1. Central nervous system ( 中枢神经系 ) 1) brain ( 脑 ) 2) spinal cord ( 脊髓 ) 2. Peripheral nervous system ( 周围神经系 ) 1) cranial nerves ( 脑神经 ) 2) spinal nerves ( 脊神经 ) 3) visceral nerves ( 内脏神经 )

4 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University3 Introduction  B. Composition of the nervous system 1. Neurons ( 神经元 ) 2. Neuroglia ( 神经胶质 )  C.Terminology of the nervous system 1. Nucleus ( 神经核 ) & ganglion ( 神经节 ) 2. Gray matter ( 灰质 ) & white matter ( 白质 ) 3. Nerve ( 神经 ) & fasciculus ( 纤维束 )

5 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University4 D. Functions of the nervous system 1. It regulates ( 调节 ) and integrates ( 整 合 ) the activities of all the bodily system for the benefit of the organism as a whole. 2. The nervous system is also the seat of all mental activity, including consciousness ( 意识 ), memory ( 记忆 ) & thinking ( 思维 ). Introduction

6 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University5 E. Reflex arc and Reflex ( 反射弧和反射 ) Receptors ( 感受器 ) Afferent nerve ( 传入神经 ) Centers ( 中枢 ) Effectors ( 效应器 ) Efferent nerve ( 传出神经 ) Introduction

7 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University6 Chapter 2 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ( 周围神经 ) The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经 ) The Cranial Nerves ( 脑神经 ) The Autonomic Nervous System ( 自主神经系 ) (The Visceral Nervous System 内脏 神经系 )

8 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University7 Section 1 The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经 ) 1.  Composition ( 组成 ): 1) anterior root ( 前根 ): efferent fibers ( 传出纤维 ) 2) posterior root ( 后根 ): afferent fibers ( 传入纤维 ) 3) spinal ganglia ( 脊神经节 ) 2.  Division ( 分支 ) 1) anterior branch ( 前支 ) 2) posterior branch ( 后支 ) 

9 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University8 The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经 ) 3. Component ( 成分 ) 1) Somatic Afferent ( 躯体传入 ) ← All sensations from skin and locomotor system. 2) Visceral Afferent ( 内脏传入 ) ←All sensations from viscera 3) Somatic Efferent ( 躯体传出 ) →Movements of skeletal muscle 4) Visceral Efferent ( 内脏传出 ) → Movements of smooth m. and cardiac m., secretion of glands.

10 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University9 The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经 ) 4. Classification ( 分类 ): 1) cervical nerves ( 颈神经 ): C 1 - C 8 2) thoracic nerves ( 胸神经 ): T 1 - T 12 3) lumbar nerves ( 腰神经 ): L 1 - L 5 4) sacral nerves ( 骶神经 ): S 1 - S 5 5) coccygeal nerve ( 尾神经 ): Co 1

11 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University10 ( 皮节 )

12 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University11 A. Cervical plexus (C 1-4 ) 1. Location ( 位置 ) Between the levator scapulae and middle scalene muscle and sternocleidomastoid, opposite to the C 1-3, ( 肩胛提肌和中斜角肌 与胸锁乳突肌覆盖 ). [local anesthesia (toponarcosis) 局部麻醉 ]

13 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University12 Cervical plexus (C 1-4 ) 1) lesser occipital n. ( 枕小神经 ) (C 2 ) 2) great auricular n. ( 耳大神经 ) (C2,3) 3) transverse n. of neck ( 颈横神经 ) (C2,3) 4) supraclavicular nn. ( 锁骨上神经 ) (C3,4) 2. Superficial branches ( 浅支 )

14 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University13 Cervical plexus (C 1-4 ) 3. Deep branches ( 深支 ) 1)  phrenic n. ( 膈神经 ) (C 3-5 ) [phrenicotripsy 膈神经压轧术 ] [hiccup, hiccough 呃逆 ] 2) accessory phrenic n. ( 副膈神经 ) 48%

15 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University14 Cervical plexus (C 1-4 )

16 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University15 B. The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 1.  Location ( 位置 ): in the interscalenus space ( 斜角肌间隙 )

17 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University16 B. The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 2.  Formation ( 组成 ): 5 roots 根  3 trunks 干  6 divisions 股  3 cords 束  7 branches 支 ) C6C6 C7C7 C8C8 middle trunk post.cord ( 后束 ) C5C5 T1T1 lat. cord ( 外侧束 ) 后股 med.cord ( 内侧束 ) 前股 ant.division ( 股 ) inferior trunk ( 下干 ) superior trunk ( 上干 ) anterior division ( 前股 ) musculocut. n ( 肌皮神经 ) median n. ( 正中 n) ulnar n. ( 尺神经 ) radial n. ( 桡 n. ) axillary n.

18 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University17 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 )

19 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University18 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 )

20 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University19 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 1)  long thoracic n. ( 胸长神经 ) (C 5 -7 ) [winged scapula 翼状肩 ] 2) suprascapular n. ( 肩胛上神经 ) 3) dorsal scapular n. ( 肩胛背神经 ) 3. Branches Branches above the clavicle ( 锁骨上支 )

21 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University20 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 2) medial and lateral pectoral nn. ( 胸内侧和胸外侧神经 ) 3)  thoracodorsal n. ( 胸背神经 ) (C 6 -8 ) 4)  axillary n. ( 腋神经 ) (C 5,6 ) [ squired scapula 方形肩 ] Branches below the clavicle ( 锁骨下支 ) 1) subscapular n. ( 肩胛下神经 )

22 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University21 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 5)  musculocutaneous n. ( 肌皮神经 ) (C 5-7 )  lateral ante- brachial cutan- eous n. ( 前臂外 侧皮神经 )

23 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University22 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 6) 6)  median n. ( 正中神经 )  recurrent branch ( 返支 )  common palmar digital nn. ( 指掌侧总神经 )  proper palmar digital nn. ( 指掌侧固有神经 ) [monkey paw, ape-like hand 猿形手 ]

24 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University23 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 7)  ulnar n. ( 尺神经 ) (C 8 -T 1 )  superficial branch ( 浅支 )  common palmar digital n. ( 指掌侧总神经 )  proper palmar digital n. ( 指掌侧固有神经 )  deep palmar branch ( 掌深支 )  dorsal branch ( 背支 ) [claw hand 爪形手 ]

25 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University24 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 )

26 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University25 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 8)  radial n. ( 桡神经 ) (C 5 -T 1 )  post. brachial cutaneous n. ( 臂后皮神经 )  muscular branches ( 肌支 )  extensor muscles of the arm

27 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University26 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 )  superficial branch ( 浅支 )  dorsal digital nn. ( 指背神经 )  deep branch ( 深支 )  extensor muscles of the forearm [carpoptosis (wrist drop) 垂腕 ]

28 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University27 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 ) 9) medial brachial cutaneous n. ( 臂内侧皮 神经 ) 10) medial antebrachial cutaneous n. ( 前臂内侧皮 神经 )

29 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University28 The Brachial Plexus (C 5 -T 1 )

30 Systematic AnatomyDept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University29 C. The Anterior Branches of Thoracic Nerves 1. Intercostal nn. ( 肋间神经 )  lateral cutaneous branch ( 外侧皮支 )  anterior cutaneous branch ( 前皮支 ) [intercostal neuralagia 肋间神经痛 ] [intercostal nerve block 肋间神经封闭 ] 2. Subcostal n. ( 肋下神经 )

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