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Linical & Experimental Audiology 1 Online speech-in-noise screening test for occupational noise-induced hearing loss M. Sheikh Rashid, MSc, PhD candidate.

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Presentation on theme: "Linical & Experimental Audiology 1 Online speech-in-noise screening test for occupational noise-induced hearing loss M. Sheikh Rashid, MSc, PhD candidate."— Presentation transcript:

1 linical & Experimental Audiology 1 Online speech-in-noise screening test for occupational noise-induced hearing loss M. Sheikh Rashid, MSc, PhD candidate Dr. M. Leensen J. de Laat W.A. Dreschler Clinical and Experimental Audiology, ENT department, Academic Medical Center(AMC) Amsterdam, the Netherlands

2 linical & Experimental Audiology 2 Occupational Noise-induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)  One of the most reported occupational diseases in NL  Affects ability to understand speech-in-noise  Permanent damage develops gradually and unnoticed  Important to detect in an early stage healthy damaged

3 linical & Experimental Audiology 3 Occupational hearing screening  EU regulations apply >85 dB(A) Hearing screening is offered by employer  Current practice: Voluntary Infrequent (once every 4 years)  Insufficient screening (up to 50% nonresponse)  Method: Screening audiometry (unmasked AC only) Reference standard, but: Time-consuming and costly Validity issues (soundproof booth not available)

4 linical & Experimental Audiology 4 Internet-based speech-in-noise test  Valuable alternative for occupational NIHL screening: Functional test Independent of absolute presentation level Robust (equipment, environment) Self-administered, easy and fast (5 minutes) Low-cost method

5 linical & Experimental Audiology 5 Internet-based speech-in-noise test  Valuable alternative for occupational NIHL screening: Functional test Independent of absolute presentation level Robust (equipment, environment) Self-administered, easy and fast (5 minutes) Low-cost method  National Hearing test (C. Smits, 2004)  Earcheck  Hearing test for children  Occupational Earcheck (OEC)

6 linical & Experimental Audiology 6 Characteristics original OEC  Both ears tested separately  Simple up-down procedure  9 CVC words Paired vowels High-frequency consonants  Stationary speech shaped noise  35 stimuli Individual starting level Last 30 averaged for SRT

7 linical & Experimental Audiology 7 Evaluation and validation of OEC Phased approach: 1.To evaluate different (noise) versions of OEC in the lab: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 2.To validate OEC in noise-exposed workers: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 3.The applicability of OEC as a screening method

8 linical & Experimental Audiology 8 Phase I: Methods  Participants: 18 NH subjects (students) 15 subjects with NIHL (noise-exposed workers)  Procedure:  5 noise conditions of OEC  1 ear (randomly assigned)  test-retest  Reference test: pure-tone audiometry

9 linical & Experimental Audiology 9 Phase I: Masking noise conditions #Noise versionDescription Reference 1LTASSBroadband stationary speech-shaped noise Experimental set of low-pass filtered stationary noises 21400_-12Cut-off frequency 1400 Hz, noise floor -12 dB 31400_-15Cut-off frequency 1400 Hz, noise floor -15 dB 41600_-12Cut-off frequency 1600 Hz, noise floor -12 dB 51600_-15Cut-off frequency 1600 Hz, noise floor -15 dB

10 linical & Experimental Audiology 10 Lab performance new OEC (LP_1600_-12) Test-parameters Original*New Slope11.0 %/dB13.0 %/dB Sensitivity92%93% Specificity49%94% Correlation with PTA 3,4,6 r=0.66r=0.83 Mean Δ test-retest0.45 dB0.99 dB SEM1.26 dB1.08 dB ICC test-retest0.680.87 * Leensen, M.C., de Laat J.A., Dreschler, W.A. Speech-in-noise screening tests by internet, part 1: test evaluation for noise-induced hearing loss identification. Int J Audiol. 2011; 50 (11): 823-34.Speech-in-noise screening tests by internet, part 1: test evaluation for noise-induced hearing loss identification.

11 linical & Experimental Audiology 11 Summary  Original OEC not suitable for occupational screening  Improvement of the OEC Homogeneous speech material Improved test procedure LP masking noise  The new OEC > LP 1600 Hz, noise floor of -12 dB High sensitivity and specificity >90% Highly correlated with audiogram Improved test-retest reliability

12 linical & Experimental Audiology 12 Discussion  Two-gate design: healthy controls and known cases  Lab setting > Role of the test in practice  Only 1 ear tested  Clinical audiogram as reference  Representative sample (hearing status unknown)  Occupational setting  Both ear tested separately  Screening audiometry as reference

13 linical & Experimental Audiology 13 Evaluation and validation of OEC Phased approach: 1.To evaluate different (noise) versions of OEC in the lab: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 2.To validate OEC in noise-exposed workers: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 3.The applicability of OEC as a screening method

14 linical & Experimental Audiology 14 Occupational Earcheck

15 linical & Experimental Audiology 15 Phase II: Methods  Participants: 87 noise-exposed workers Occupational setting (quiet office room) Procedure:  OEC test  Screening audiogram  Retest (subgroup)

16 linical & Experimental Audiology 16 Phase II: Results Pure-tone thresholds

17 linical & Experimental Audiology 17 Phase II: Results Test retest reliability SRT test (dB SNR) SRT retest (dB SNR) Δ test-retest (dB SNR) pSEMICC* -16.6 (sd=2.5)-17.3 (sd=2.2)0.6 (95%-BI: -0.1; 1.3)

18 linical & Experimental Audiology 18 Phase II: Results Correlation

19 linical & Experimental Audiology 19 Phase II: Results Sensitivity and specificity  Sensitivity and specificity (monaural)

20 linical & Experimental Audiology 20 Discussion  Distinguishes well between NH and NIHL (5 dB difference)  Small mean learning effect and SEM  Valid test: correlation of 0.71 with PTA  Accurate: sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 82% (monaural)  Goal: individual outcome (binaural)

21 linical & Experimental Audiology 21 Sensitivity and specificity on binaural basis BOC results (cut-off value: -19.4 dB SNR) PTA- (both ears) + (at least 1 ear) Total NH (both ears) 481866 NIHL (at least 1 ear) 21921 Total503787 True positive rate (sensitivity): 90% True negative rate (specificity): 73% False positive rate (1-specificity): 27% False negative rate (1-sensitivity): 10%

22 linical & Experimental Audiology 22 Evaluation and validation of OEC Phased approach: 1.To evaluate different (noise) versions of OEC in the lab: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 2.To validate OEC in noise-exposed workers: Discriminative power (sensitivity and specificity) Test validity (correlation with reference standard) Test reliability (test-retest difference and steepness of slope) 3.The applicability of OEC as a screening method

23 linical & Experimental Audiology 23 Pathway: Triage Employees suspected of NIHL OEC 1+1+ 2- TA TP/FP OEC 1+1+ 2- 1+1+ TN/FN NH/HI Retest year later Risk classification Retest year later Further investigation HI Action & Monitoring

24 linical & Experimental Audiology 24 What’s next? Phase III: Applicability OEC  Pilot among 100 employees  Screening audiometry and OEC  Automatic retest ear(s) with positive result  Main research objectives: 1. New cut-off value: Test sensitivity and specificity 2. Effect automatic retest on FP/FN 3. Second cut-off value > 3 categories (good, insufficient, poor) 4. Influence total test length 5. Risk classification

25 linical & Experimental Audiology 25 Acknowledgements  Dutch National Hearing Foundation (Nationale Hoorstichting)  Department of Audiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands  Zicht Online  Audiometrists: Dr. I Brons, L. Ruhaak, MSc., and J. Blom  Dr. K. S. Rhebergen  All occupational test locations, and research participants

26 linical & Experimental Audiology 26 Evaluation and validation of the Occupational Earcheck (OEC) An internet-based speech-in-noise test designed for occupational noise-induced hearing loss screening Marya Sheikh Rashid

27 linical & Experimental Audiology 27 Characteristics Occupational Earcheck

28 linical & Experimental Audiology 28 Phase I: Results  Pure-tone thresholds Frequency (kHz) Hearing threshold (dB HL)

29 linical & Experimental Audiology 29 Phase I: Results  Discriminative power Noise condition

30 linical & Experimental Audiology 30 Phase I: Results  Sensitivity and specificity Noise version Cut-off value SNR (dB) SensitivitySpecificity LTASS-10.780%78% 1400_12-17.587%94% 1400_15-17.380%94% 1600_12-16.993%94% 1600_15-16.387%100%

31 linical & Experimental Audiology 31 Phase I: Results  Test-retest reliability Version Δ (test-retest) pSEMICC LTASS0.250.299 0.690.63 1400_-12-0.450.201 1.010.84 1400_-150.410.324 1.170.87 1600_-120.990.007* 1.080.87 1600_-151.160.004* 1.210.89

32 linical & Experimental Audiology 32 Phase I: Results  Validity: SRT- pure-tone audiometry correlation Noise condition Correlation SRT-PTA 3,4,6 LTASS0.70 1400_-120.79 1400_-150.81 1600_-120.83 1600_-150.82

33 linical & Experimental Audiology 33

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