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Ted Szymczak Church Planting Intro MOP 2013. Our family after arriving in Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "Ted Szymczak Church Planting Intro MOP 2013. Our family after arriving in Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ted Szymczak Church Planting Intro MOP 2013

2 Our family after arriving in Poland

3 Ted & Wendy Szymczak with Andrew, Hanna and Chris

4 Learning Goals  What do I want to learn about Church Planting to help my ministry in SEND?

5 Church Planting Insights  What does this passage teach as it relates to Church Planting?  Matthew 16:18  Eph. 3:8-13 (10)  1 Corinthians 3:6-7  Proverbs 19:2

6 The Biblical Basics – Approach  Matthew 16:18  Eph. 3:8-13 (10)  1 Corinthians 3:6-7  Proverbs 19:2

7 The Biblical Mandate  Church planting is in keeping with the progress of salvation history forming a new people of God  Christ loves the church and promised to build it  The Great Commission entails church planting  The Book of Acts demonstrates that new churches are the normal and necessary result of evangelism and mission  Church planting is central to Pauline understanding and practice of mission Craig Ott

8 “Paul’s missionary work did not end with the oral proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ and the conversion of individuals. Paul established churches, communities of men and women who had come to faith in Jesus the Messiah and Savior,…” Eckhard Schnabel The Biblical Strategy

9 Three Types of Church Planters – Pastoral  The Pastoral Church Planter  Plant and pastor the church until it is able to call and pay a national pastor  Strength: highly qualified leaders  Weakness: rarely leads to multiplication

10 Pastoral Church Plant Sopot, Poland

11 Three Types of Church Planters - Catalytic  The Catalytic Church Planter  The church planter plants and remains in a large central church that becomes the mother for numerous daughter churches  Strength: leads to multiplication, high public profile of the church and movement  Weakness: most church planters are not gifted enough to plant such a church

12 Catalytic Church Plant – FBC & Zabkowice

13 Three Types of Church Planters - Apostolic  The Apostolic Church Planter  The church planter does not pastor the church, but equips local leaders to pastor the church, then moves on  Strength: facilitates multiplication and local ownership  Weakness: initially slower progress, lay leadership may be weak

14 Apostolic Church Planter Brian & Jill Dagen Czech

15 The Calling of Apostles and Pastors Apostles / MissionariesPastors / Elders ItinerateRemain PioneerStrengthen InitiateGrow Equip Elders & Missionaries Care for Believers Evangelize & DiscipleTeach & Counsel Craig Ott

16 Whatever your gift or role, your job is to develop, empower and release local believers to reproduce and multiply your ministry. Three Types of Church Planters

17 Discuss in Three’s  What type of church planting would be most effective in your context and why?

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