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Running water.

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Presentation on theme: "Running water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running water

2 The Hydrologic Cycle

3 PARTS OF A STREAM Channel - path of river Bed - bottom
Head - beginning/source Mouth - ending Gradient - steepness of slope Base level - lowest point to which a stream erodes (ocean, another river, lake) ultimately the oceans

4 Longitudinal profile of a stream
Channel Base level

5 A drainage basin is the land area that contributes water to a stream.
A divide is an imaginary line that separates the drainage basins of one stream from another.

6 Mississippi River Drainage Basin

7 Drainage Patterns Radial Dendritic Trellis Rectangular

8 Dendritic Drainage

9 What streams do… Erode Transport Material Deposit Dissolved load
Suspended load Bed load Deposit

10 Stream Load & Transport
Rolling Suspension Dissolution

11 Load is related to a stream's
Competence - maximum particle size Capacity - maximum load

12 Factors that affect erosion and deposition
Velocity Gradient (slope) Channel shape Channel size Channel roughness Discharge – amount of water flow per unit time, as discharge increases, load increases

13 Velocity

14 Velocity

15 Channel shape and roughness
Semicircular Flow fast Wide channel Flow slow Rough bottom Flow slow

16 Upstream-Downstream Changes
Decrease Gradient Channel roughness Increase Velocity Discharge Channel size

17 “YOUNG” River Valleys Rapids Waterfalls Narrow V-shaped valley Steep gradient Erosion is mostly downcutting Little or no floodplain

18 A narrow V-shaped valley

19 The Yellowstone River in Wyoming

20 “MATURE” River Valleys
Stream is near base level Less downward erosion Stream energy is directed from side to side Flood plain is evident Some meandering (curves)

21 Continued erosion and deposition widens the valley

22 Wye River in England

23 “OLD” River Valleys Meanders well-developed Wide flood plain
Low gradient Close to base level

24 The resulting wide stream valley is characterized by meandering on a well-developed floodplain



27 Flood plain development

28 Satellite view of the Missouri River flowing into the Mississippi River near St. Louis

29 Same satellite view during flooding in 1993

30 Erosion and Deposition Along a Meandering Stream


32 Deposition Bar

33 Formation of an oxbow lake



36 Recent cutoff on the Arkansas River

37 Meander Loop on the Colorado River

38 Stream Deposition Floodplain deposits Alluvial fans Deltas
Natural levees: form parallel to the stream channel by successive floods over many years Back swamps: marsh, yazoo tributaries Alluvial fans Develop where a high-gradient stream leaves a narrow valley Slopes outward in a broad arc Deltas Forms when a stream enters an ocean or lake




42 Sacramento River levee---natural

43 Man-made levee on the Mississippi River in Gretna, LA

44 Formation of a Delta

45 Mississippi River delta---bird’s foot delta

46 Deltaic Lobe Switching

47 Nile River delta

48 Southern Alaska Delta


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