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September 26 th - September 30 th. September 26 A day.

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Presentation on theme: "September 26 th - September 30 th. September 26 A day."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 26 th - September 30 th

2 September 26 A day

3 Warm-up glued here Answers 1. You would read 2. It throws 3. The author wrote this to #8 09-26-11 Writing Prompt: Write your answer here #8 – Vocab 5 and Sensory Details - Visual

4 Vocabulary You will receive Vocabulary List 5 as a pre- assessment and the words. It will also be on the wiki. Your quiz will be on Friday as always!!

5 Visual – Sensory Details  On the next slide, you will see a picture. Tell me what you see.  What do you think happened?  What is going on?  What are the visual sensory details?  Write a story with a partner and come up with how this happened.


7 B day September 27 th

8 Warm-up glued here Answers 1. Another good title would be 2. Letter is a fact. 3. Solar flares means #9 09-20-11 Writing Prompt: #9 – Sensory details - auditory

9 Definitions  Categorizing = putting things in order  Traits = common things  Ecological = world  Preserving = protecting and saving  Hierarchies = number order  Biology = studying life  Botany = studying plants  Zoology = studying animals  Subtle = not noticeable  Classification = putting things in correct order  Cadence = sound and rhythm  “Ducks in a row” = having everything set up and organizer  Structure = rules and procedures  Troubleshooting = trying to figure out what is wrong with something by attempting different solutions one at a time

10 Auditory – Sensory details  Listen to the following sound clips  Write down a list of the different sounds that you hear  &feature=related &feature=related   html html

11 Auditory – Onomatopoeia  Write words to describe these sounds. Yu can use real words or make up your own 1. Walking barefoot through wet mud 2. A rocky beach with huge waves crashing 3. Going down a huge waterslide 4. A rainy day 5. Someone typing on the computer

12 Action Plan  In order to behave, I will  In order for the class to behave, we will  Write words to describe these sounds. Yu can use real words or make up your own 1. Walking barefoot through wet mud 2. A rocky beach with huge waves crashing 3. Going down a huge waterslide 4. A rainy day 5. Someone typing on the computer

13 Auditory – Sound story  Write a short (3-4 sentences) story using sounds to help readers guess the setting of the story.  The story shouldn’t tell us WHERE you are but should include SOUNDS to help us guess the setting.  Example: Creeeeeeeeek, the old door squeeked shut. The wind howled through the corridors. Big loud boots stomped around. Boo! Screams and feet running!  Answer: haunted house

14 September 28 th

15 Warm-up glued here Answers: 1. If a liquid was boiled 2. The main idea is 3. You can find it 09-28-11 Writing Prompt: What helps you learn new things? Write your answer here

16  No warm-up

17 September 29 th

18 Warm-up glued here Answers: 1. It is named after 2. It gets lodged 3. In paragraph 4. Without air…. #8 09-29-11 Writing Prompt: What did you learn today from your learning centers? Write your answer here #8 – Theme and Dialogue

19 Theme  Follow along using the theme worksheet to discover the themes in Lob’s Girl and All Summer in a Day

20 Dialogue  Dialogue is important to the plot, conflict, and theme of stories.  You will read 2-3 sections of dialogue.  Then rewrite the resolution, conflict, and theme.

21 Dialogue Actual StoryWhat if?  “Mr. Pengelly, it’s your family Lob wants to stay with – this is, if you want to have him.”  Bert Pengelly gulped. He was not a rich man, and lob was a pedigreed dog. He said cautiously, “How much would you be asking for him?”  “Good heavens, man, I’m not suggesting I’d sell him to you. You must have him as a gift.”  Mr. Dodsworth had not offered to let Lob stay with the Pengelly’s?  Rewrite the conflict, resolution, and theme on your own paper as if Sandy couldn’t keep Lob.

22 Dialogue Actual StoryWhat if?  “Well don’t wait around here!” cried the boy savagely. “You won’t see nothing! It was all a joke, wasn’t it?”  “Nothing, nothing!”  “Oh, but, this is the day, the scientists predict, they say, the know, the sun…”  “Hey, everyone, let’s put her in a closet before teacher comes!”  William hadn’t told Margot it was all just a joke?  Rewrite the story’s conflict, resolution, and theme as if that dialogue never took place.

23 September 30 th A day

24  Study  No warm-up

25 Warm-up glued here Answers: 1. It must be 2. You would find it 3. Non-perishable means #9 09-30-11 Writing Prompt: What does multiple intelligences mean to you? What types of intelligences do you have? #8 – Multiple Intelligences

26 Quiz  Dialogue  Onomatopoeia  Imagery  Theme  Climax (turning point)  Sensory  Setting  Characters

27 1. Written conversation between two or more characters 2. A message about life or human nature that that the author shares with the readers 3. The humans, animals, or creatures that take part in a story the writer shares with the readers 4. Time and place of the action in a story 5. Words and phrases that appeal to the reader’s five senses to help the readers imagine how things look, feel, smell, sound, and taste 6. The use of words whose sounds echo their meanings 7. The most exciting part and a turning point in the story 8. Words and phrases that appeal to the reader’s sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste

28 Stems List #3  Homo – same  Spec – look  Duct – lead  Fer – carry  Pend – hang  Micro – small  Hydro – water  Photo – light  Pan – all  Penta – five  Tele – far  Vid - look  Omni – all  Ex – out  Poly – many  Re – again  Hyp – under  Pseudo – false  Neuro – nerve  Tomy – cut  Hema – blood  Proto – first  Phon – sound  Mono – one  Viv – life

29 HOTQ’s  Write a sentence for each sense to use imagery. Include details  Ex. I saw the vibrant blue on the flag outside. 1. Sight 2. Smell 3. Taste 4. Touch 5. Hearing

30 Smell – Sensory Details  Smell the following fragrances and try to guess what each one is on your own paper.  Then write down where you think you would smell that.

31 Smell – Sensory Details  Write words to describe these smells:  A soap factory  A candy store  A freshly mowed lawn  The locker room  The doctor’s office

32 Touch – Sensory Details  There are x bags with different textured items in each one.  Your job is to feel inside of the bag, and try to guess what it is.  You must write your guess and a description of how it felt on your own piece of paper.

33 Learning Centers  Listen for directions about the learning centers you will be participating in today.  If you do not behave respectfully and complete your work at each center, you will be given a packet of worksheets to complete on your own instead.

34 Quiz time  We will take our quiz today.  Do not talk during the quiz. Raise your hand if you have a question.  After you are done, make sure your first and last name is on the quiz.  Turn it into the drawer and begin reading your book.

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