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Research Paper Alternatives: Using Digital Storytelling in the Photostory Software to Enrich the Curriculum Rebecca Foster-Faith.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Alternatives: Using Digital Storytelling in the Photostory Software to Enrich the Curriculum Rebecca Foster-Faith."— Presentation transcript:


2 Research Paper Alternatives: Using Digital Storytelling in the Photostory Software to Enrich the Curriculum Rebecca Foster-Faith

3 What is Digital Storytelling  Using computer based tools to tell stories Use image, text, narration, music, video (or any combination) Focus on content, narrative

4 Components of a Research Paper  Identify & Cite Sources  Developing Thesis Statement  Examples to Support Thesis  Mechanics (Grammar)  Written mechanics are not part of digital storytelling. Good grammar is still necessary for oral narration.

5 Components of a Digital Story 1. Point of View 2. Dramatic Question 3. Emotional Content 4. Gift of Voice 5. Soundtrack 6. Economy 7. Pacing --Center for Digital Storytelling, Berkley, CACenter for Digital Storytelling, Berkley, CA

6 Software/ Web Service Options  50 Web 2.0 Ways to tell a story including: 50 Web 2.0 Ways to tell a story

7 Why Photostory?  Advantages Free or Integrated Focus on content rather than text Still requires research & thesis statement Intuitive drag and drop tools  Disadvantages Requires Headset Does not work with Macs Requires good organizational skills to manage content

8 Order of Operations 1. Research topic 2. Outline/ Storyboard topic Narration ideas Image ideas 3. Research/ Compile images Source List Citations

9 Order of Operations  Assemble Photostory 1. Import & Arrange images 2. Add Titles & Effects 3. Customize motion 4. Add Narration 5. Add music (Create or Import) 6. Save & Export

10 Challenges & Compensations  Digital Divide Give students some time in the classroom to begin project (particularly because headsets are needed) Rubric is 70% based on content and research, final output on Photostory not necessary  ESL/ELL Direct students to content websites in their own language Language Choice

11 Literacy Connection  Ability to use language to read, write and speak For students struggling with writing, final output is less intimidating  Possible use as an alternative for Special Education students Outlining, research & thesis skills all emphasized  An addition, not a replacement to developing writing skills.

12 Uses for Photostory - Elementary  Research notable figures Founding Fathers Scientific Discoveries  Creative Writing  Career Exploration “Take our Daughters to work” day  Documenting Artwork

13 Uses for Photostory – High School  English – Practice Research Skills, Student Choice of Topic. Preliminary to “The Research Paper.”  Math – Engineering & Math or Math Careers  History – Students present both sides of a bill currently under debate on the Senate or House floor  Other ideas Other ideas

14 Science/ Living Environment  Using Photostory3 to Enhance Teaching Of Genetics Using Photostory3 to Enhance Teaching Of Genetics Project outline Sample Video Storyboard to create the video Blank Storyboard

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