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IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 o TDR of Insertable B-layer ATLAS CB, October 8 th 2010 G. Darbo / INFN - Genova Indico agenda page:

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Presentation on theme: "IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 o TDR of Insertable B-layer ATLAS CB, October 8 th 2010 G. Darbo / INFN - Genova Indico agenda page:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 o TDR of Insertable B-layer ATLAS CB, October 8 th 2010 G. Darbo / INFN - Genova Indico agenda page:

2 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 2 IBL Project – Main Steps 2008: Pixel B-layer taskforce: restore and improve tracking and b-tagging performance Active for 6 months – report to the Bern ATLAS week  IBL concept 2009: The IBL project sees the birth Endorsement of IBL PL and TC (CB 20.02.2010) IBL organization in place (management structure endorsed by EB 3.04.2010) 8 th of July: IBL kick-off meeting ATLAS Institutes interested in the project invited (email to CB 28.04.2009) 31 Institutes represented, 35÷40 Institutes shown interest. 2009-10: The IBL project grows Prototyping and design advance fast – progress followed in the IBL Community: 4 General Meetings – several activity weekly meetings Presented to ATLAS community AW 2/2009, AW 7/2009, AW 10/2009, AW 2/2010, AW 7/2010, AW 10/2010 2010: The IBL project is consolidated (43 Institutions, 303 people committed) Interim-MoU  collecting last signatures TDR ready for approval!

3 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 3 IBL Technical Design Report ATLAS TDR includes: Overview and motivation for the project Study of the physics performance – Task Force (6/2010), led by M.Elsing, shows that IBL is crucial to recover the needed tracking and b-tagging capability at 2x10 34. Technical description of the project with baseline and options for critical issues Beam-pipe, extraction/insertion, installation Organization of the project and resources Editorial team: M. Capeans (technical editor), G. Darbo, K. Einsweiller, M. Elsing, T. Flick, M. Garcia-Sciveres, C. Gemme, H. Pernegger, O. Rohne and R. Vuillermet. Reviewers A. Andreazza, A. Catinaccio, A. Clark, N. Hessey, A. Lankford, M. Nessi, L. Rossi, S. Stapnes, G. Viehhauser, P. Wells and N. Wermes TDR versions: 22.07.2010 – TDR editors first meeting 17.03.2010 – 1 st internal draft  selected readers 21.07.2010 – 2 nd internal draft  reviewers 16.08.2010 – TDR incomplete draft  IBL community and USG – deadline for comments 1.09.2010 07.09.2010 – TDR complete draft  EB, IBL, USG 15.09.2010 – Final draft for approval sent to CB CERN-LHCC-2010-13, ATLAS TDR 19

4 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 4 SPARE MATERIAL

5 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 5 Interim-MoU - Institutions There are 43 institutions in the IBL project Large interest for the sensor (22 Institutions) Full effort and funding requirements are covered 303 people have expressed their interest to contribute to the project many have already started to work. In most cases institutes contribute with money where also there is contribution with manpower. Status: Funding Agencies involved are sending their signed copies. The dead-line was end of August and we are waiting for the last ones to send them in.

6 IBL TDR G. Darbo / INFN Genova ATLAS CB – October 2010 6 History of IBL Project - Time Line 1998: Pixel TDR B-layer designed to be substituted every 3 years of nominal LHC (300 fb -1 ): due to then available radiation hard sensor and electronic technologies. 2002: B-layer replacement became part of ATLAS planning and was put into the M&O budget to RRB. 2008: B-layer taskforce B-layer replacement cannot be done – Engineering changes to fulfil delayed on- detector electronics (FE-I3, MCC) made it impossible even in a long shut down. Best (only viable) solution: “make a new smaller radius B-layer insertion using technology being developed for HL-LHC prototypes”. This became the IBL. 2009: ATLAS started IBL project: February: ATLAS CB endorses IBL PL and TC April: IBL organization in place (Endorsed by the ATLAS EB) 2010: TDR and interim-MoU TDR is under approval in ATLAS Interim-MoU is collecting last signatures.

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