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British New Wave. What is British New Wave? The British New Wave is the name given to a trend in filmmaking among directors in Britain in the late 1950s.

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Presentation on theme: "British New Wave. What is British New Wave? The British New Wave is the name given to a trend in filmmaking among directors in Britain in the late 1950s."— Presentation transcript:

1 British New Wave

2 What is British New Wave? The British New Wave is the name given to a trend in filmmaking among directors in Britain in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

3 British New Wave films focused on reality of life for the working classes, especially in the North of England. This particular type of drama, centred around class and the nitty-gritty of day-to-day life, was also known as the kitchen sink drama.

4 Who was behind the movement? A new wave of directors entered the film medium, inspired by the plays and dramas of ‘The Angry Young Men’. Plays such as ‘Look Back in Anger’ gave a voice to the working class, making them the central subject, unlike before where they had largely been used for comic effect Key Directors: * Lindsay Anderson * Richard Lester * Ken Loach * Tony Richardson * Ken Russell * John Schlesinger * Peter Watkins * Peter Yates

5 Characteristics The New Wave was characterised by many of the same stylistic and thematic conventions as the French New Wave. Usually in black-and-white, these films had a spontaneous quality, often shot in a pseudo- documentary style on real locations and with real people rather than extras, apparently capturing life as it happens.

6 Characteristics Many British New Wave films focused on subject matter that was still considered taboo at the time. Subjects including racism, homosexuality, abortion, mixed race relationship etc. These films were not afraid to be critical of establishment and create controversy.

7 Peeping Tom New approaches to film making crept into a variety of genres, including the horror genre. ‘Peeping Tom’ stepped away from the traditional, more ‘gothic’ horror films of the time, and instead focused on more real characters and settings, and explored various themes. It was one of the boldest, most controversial films at the time.

8 KABLA!!! The movement did not last long, with one of the last significant releases being the Beatles comedy Hard Day's Night. Hard Day's Night The movement’s legacy and influence on pop culture can been seen to this day.

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