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A Talk on a Talk Richard A. Cash, MD, MPH Public Health Foundation of India 16 May 2013--AMCHSS.

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Presentation on theme: "A Talk on a Talk Richard A. Cash, MD, MPH Public Health Foundation of India 16 May 2013--AMCHSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Talk on a Talk Richard A. Cash, MD, MPH Public Health Foundation of India 16 May 2013--AMCHSS

2 Elements of a Talk Content Organization Presentation Audio visual aids Answering questions

3 Content Who is the audience and what is their interest? How much time is available? Are there other speakers and if so what is the content of their presentation? Is there a question period? The talk should contain no more than three or four major points.

4 Organization Tell them what you will tell them Tell them Tell them what you told them

5 Presentation Know the size and layout of the room Check the sound, light systems and the computer system for compatibility Speak slowly and clearly and to the audience, not the screen Use the pointer only to point Dress comfortably and appropriately Practice. Respect the audience and other speakers by staying to time.

6 Audio-Visual Aids Keep it simple in words and colors Font of 28 or greater so it can be seen in the back row and check spelling Tables– round off numbers and indicate which are important (avoid taking tables directly from a paper). Handouts--useful for large data sets Pictures– one message per slide Slides are reminders and not to be read

7 Some examples of ppt slides that should not be used

8 Toolkits for Appraising Health Workforces

9 Wild Poliovirus 2000 - 2005 Data in WHO HQ as of 01 Nov 2005

10 Some examples of ppt slides that will require an explanation and time

11 Polio Incidence by Month* India, 1994-98 * Reported case numbers adjusted for surveillance sensitivity. Data as of 9/2/99. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1996 1997199819941995 NIDs

12 Some examples of the use of pictures

13 Aedes aegypti Mosquito


15 Answering Questions Take questions from the entire audience— front/back, left/right Repeat the question Address the entire audience—avoid individual debates Consider written questions It’s alright not to know Be prepared

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