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Targeted Marketing.  IM in Waterloo Region  Aggregate Data  Correlate SOV change  The future of IM.

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Presentation on theme: "Targeted Marketing.  IM in Waterloo Region  Aggregate Data  Correlate SOV change  The future of IM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Targeted Marketing

2  IM in Waterloo Region  Aggregate Data  Correlate SOV change  The future of IM


4  4 projects: Eastbridge/Lexington, UpTown, Westmount, and Fischer- Hallman  In concert with introduction of new transit services, focused campaigns to catchment area of those services  Focus on all travel modes

5 2009-102010-112011-122012-13 Campaign Eastbridge/ DearbornUpTownWestmount Fischer- HallmanTotals Before Survey # Surveys4012228422501715 # Trips2407987223410127730 After Survey # Surveys19188253109641 # Trips13025029604273191 Total household surveys:2,356 Total valid trips:10,921 Number of comparable household surveys:641

6 Eastbridge/DearbornUpTown Waterloo BeforeAfterBeforeAfter SOV83.8%83.0%65.0%54.4% Transit3.8%5.2%4.7%6.0% Bicycle3.7%3.3%8.0%8.6% Walk7.5%8.1%21.1%28.1% Other1.1%0.4%1.2%3.0% WestmountFischer-Hallman BeforeAfterBeforeAfter SOV51%48%53%43% Transit4% 1% Bicycle3% 2%1% Walk7%6%7%5% Carpool33%39%34%49%

7  Changes in SOV use  548 statistically valid households

8  Changes in SOV use  548 statistically valid households

9  Changes in SOV use  548 statistically valid households





14  Those with less flexibility for travel choice are impacted more by service access  Travel services need to be competitive against SOV mode chose for those with higher incomes

15 Individualized Marketing  Data and responses not always consistent / representative  IM/Survey methodology changes outcomes and can influence segmentation  IM needs resources and goals Analysis of Aggregate Data  DA levels don’t represent neighbourhood geographies  Surveys responses not always ample enough  Somewhat anecdotal  Built form and proximity to travel options don’t correlate (however….)

16  IM is constantly evolving and growing  Defined resources and expectations  100% online by choice

17  Targeted Marketing directly to households likely to change  Compare to transit service surveys, EIM, and active mode counts  Helps inform market segmentation analysis and cost effectiveness of campaigns  2014-2017 – IM / EIM projects focuses on aBRT/LRT

18 Thanks!


20 Decreases in SOV Rate are significantly associated with:  Lower Median Household Income (0.44)  Lower Residential Mix (0.26)  Older Residential Year Built (0.31)  Lower Residential House Value (0.40)

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