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CS 312: Algorithm Design & Analysis Lecture #26: 0/1 Knapsack This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.Creative.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 312: Algorithm Design & Analysis Lecture #26: 0/1 Knapsack This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.Creative."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 312: Algorithm Design & Analysis Lecture #26: 0/1 Knapsack This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Slides by: Eric Ringger, with contributions from Mike Jones, Eric Mercer, Sean Warnick

2 Announcements  Homework #17  Due now  Project #5 – Gene Sequence Alignment  WB Experience: due Wednesday  Early: next Monday  Due: next Wednesday  Mid-term exam:  Review: Wednesday  Exam days: Thu., Fri., Sat.  In Testing Center

3 Objectives  Contrast 0/1 Knapsack with Divisible Knapsack  Apply the DP methodology to 0/1 Knapsack  Analyze efficiency

4 Divisible Knapsack Problem How would you formulate this problem mathematically?

5 Divisible Knapsack Problem Fix Order of Objects means and means {, } and means

6 Divisible Knapsack Problem Fix Order of Objects Corresponding Object Weights Corresponding Object Values

7 Divisible Knapsack Problem The problem is formulated mathematically as

8 Divisible Knapsack Problem The problem is formulated mathematically as

9 Divisible Knapsack Problem The problem is formulated mathematically as

10 Divisible Knapsack Problem Problems of this form are called Linear Programs. How to solve?

11 0/1 Knapsack  Still looking for optimal loads  Still constrained by weight capacity  BUT cannot divide objects into fractions  Will greedy approach find an optimal solution every time?  No. There is no universally optimal selection function.  Other solution ideas?  Try all combinations  DP

12 Naïve Solution  Try each combination and see which one gives the best answer.  O(2 n )  Can we do better? n objects

13 Dynamic Programming 1.Ask: Am I solving an optimization problem? 2.Devise a minimal description (address) for any problem instance and sub-problem 3.Divide problems into sub-problems: define the recurrence to specify the relationship of problems to sub-problems 4.Check that the optimality property holds: An optimal solution to a problem is built from optimal solutions to sub-problems. 5.Store results – typically in a table – and re-use the solutions to sub-problems in the table as you build up to the overall solution. 6.Back-trace / analyze the table to extract the composition of the final solution.

14 Optimization? Step #1

15 0/1 Knapsack Sub-Problems  How should we define the sub-problems?  What if we use the same idea as the DP coins algorithm to inspire our thinking here?  Enforce weight limits  Idea: sub-problems indexed by:  i: consider objects up through type i  j: consider knapsack with capacity j (up to W)  Sub-problem:  V[i,j] stores the max value for a load of capacity j using objects up through type i  Final answer: V[n,W] Step #2

16 0/1 Knapsack Sub-Problems  Relationships among sub-problems  To compute V[i,j], we can either include an object of type i or not.  If we do not include one, then  V[i,j] = V[i-1,j]  If we do include one (only if w[i]  j), then  V[i,j] = V[i-1,j-w[i]]+v[i]  Initial conditions / boundary cases:  For j  0, V[i,j] = 0  For i  0, V[i,j] = 0  Summary: Step #3 Step #4

17 0/1 Knapsack Sub-Problems



20 0/1 Knapsack: Larger Example Remember: Entry V[i, j ] represents the max value you can get from objects 0 through i at weight j.

21 Extracting Solution Components Extracting the solution: Start with V[5,11] (which means “use all objects 1-5 to get a solution with weight = 11”). V[4,11] = V[5,11] and V[4,11-7]+28 != 40, so don’t include object 5. Step #6

22 Next, try V[4,11] which means “use all objects 1-4 to get a solution with weight = 11). V[4,11] != V[3,11] and V[3,11-6]+22 = 40, so do include object 4. Extracting Solution Components

23 Next, try V[3,5] which means “use all objects 1-3 to get a solution with weight = 5). V[3,5] != V[2,5] and V[2,5-5]+18 = 18, so include object 3. Extracting Solution Components

24 Summary: Extracting Solution Components Interpret the blue arrows:

25 Summary: Extracting Solution Components Interpret the blue arrows:

26 How long does it take?

27 Efficiency


29 0/1 Knapsack on-the-fly, Visualized with the Table

30 0/1 Knapsack on-the-fly V(5,11) V(4,11) V(4,11-w[5])+v[5]= V(4,7)+28 V(3,11)V(3,5)+22 V(3,7) V(3,1)+22 V(2,11) V(1,11) ………………… It’s a DAG; constructed in constrained fashion.

31 Assignment  Homework #16.5  0/1 Knapsack Example  New DP problem!

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