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Sexual Health and Reproduction Review. What’s the Vocab Word?  How you think of yourself in terms of who you are romantically/sexually attracted to 

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Health and Reproduction Review. What’s the Vocab Word?  How you think of yourself in terms of who you are romantically/sexually attracted to "— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Health and Reproduction Review

2 What’s the Vocab Word?  How you think of yourself in terms of who you are romantically/sexually attracted to  Sexual Orientation

3 Oregon Law  Minors have to be how old to make medical, dental, and vision decisions without their parent’s consent?  15

4 What’s that part?? Testes

5 What’s the Vocab Word?  The sex (gender) that you were born as  Biological Sex

6 What’s the Vocab Word?  This functions as a sex organ, birth canal, and passageway for menstrual flow  Vagina

7 What’s that part?? Seminal Vesical

8 What’s the Vocab Word?  Coiled tubes at the top of the testes which temporarily stores sperm as it matures  Epididymis

9 What’s that part?? Vas Deferens

10 What’s the Vocab Word?  Gland which produces a fluid that neutralizes any acid left in the urethra  Cowper’s Gland

11 Name 2 things that can cause male infertility (sterility) Environmental Hazards High temperature of the testes Over exposure to X-rays Tight pants Smoking tobacco and marijuana Excessive use of alcohol Sexually Transmitted Infections

12 What’s the Vocab Word?  Glands which produce sperm  Testes

13 What’s that part?? Epididymis

14 What’s the Vocab Word?  Tubes which carry sperm to the seminal vesical  Vas Deferens

15 When does the embryo become a fetus? At the end of the 2 nd month (Beginning of week 9)

16 What contraceptive is more effective at preventing pregnancy: External “Male” Condom or Internal “Female” Condom? External “Male” Condom

17 What’s the Vocab Word?  How you express the gender that you feel you are  Gender Expression

18 What is the 2 nd most common form of cancer in people with penises? Prostate Cancer

19 What’s that part?? Prostate

20 What is the most effective form of pregnancy and STI prevention? Abstinence

21 What is the difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics? Primary: physical things directly involved with reproduction (sperm, egg, ovaries, testes) Secondary: Features that appear during puberty (body hair, muscles, breasts, voice deepens, etc).

22 Oregon Law  It is advised to take emergency contraceptives within how many hours after an unplanned sexual encounter, if you do not wish to become pregnant?  72 hours

23 What’s that part?? Uterus

24 In what age range are most people with testicular cancer? 15-34 years old

25 During this trimester the embryo has a heart beat, brain, grows fingers and toes, and begins developing sex organs 1 st Trimester

26 What is the 2 nd leading cause of infertility in people with vaginas? Endometriosis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus)

27 What’s that part?? Ovary

28 Where does conception take place? In the fallopian tubes

29 What 3 main structures support a growing fetus inside the uterus? Umbilical Cord, Placenta, and Amniotic Sac

30 What’s the Vocab Word?  Reproductive gland that stores ova and produces estrogen  Ovaries

31 Why do most people with Toxic Shock Syndrome get sick? Prolonged tampon use

32 What’s that part?? Vagina

33 What’s the Vocab Word?  Protective Sac which keeps the sperm below body temperature  Scrotum

34 Name that STI  Most common STI in the United States in which warts cover parts of the body  Human Papilloma Virus

35 During this trimester the fetus can be identified as male or female, grows nails, hair, teeth, and lips 2 nd Trimester

36 Oregon Law  Is it legal for 2 teenagers aged 16 and 18 to have sex.  Yes… Because of the Romeo and Juliet Clause

37 What’s that part?? Labia Majora

38 Name that STI  Virus in which Helper T Cells are attacked  HIV

39 What happens during the delivery phase of childbirth? The baby moves down the birth canal and the mother pushes the baby out of her body

40 What’s the Vocab Word?  Lowest part of the uterus which separates the vagina from the uterus  Cervix

41 What’s the Vocab Word?  Blood lining of the uterus which thickens monthly in preparation for fertilization  Endometrium

42 What contraceptive is more effective at preventing pregnancy: Nuva Ring or Intrauterine Device (IUD) IUD

43 What’s that part?? Cowper’s Gland

44 Which two forms of pregnancy prevention is worst for teenagers? Withdrawal (Pull Out) Method Rhythm Method

45 During this trimester the fetus grows the most, its eyelids unfuse, and it weights 6-9 pounds on average 3 rd Trimester

46 Oregon Law  Who is allowed to get a prescription for birth control?  A woman of any age

47 What’s that part?? Scrotum

48 What are 3 responsibilities of parenthood? Provide basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, school, medical) Teach morals, values, etc. Give discipline when necessary Set a good example Love children unconditionally Give them your time

49 What’s the Vocab Word?  The sex (gender) that you identify as/who you feel you are on the inside  Gender Identity

50 Name that STI  This STI is a contagious bacterial infection that can result in heart and brain problems if not treated early  Syphilis

51 What happens during the afterbirth phase of childbirth? The placenta is delivered from the mothers body after the baby arrives

52 What’s that part?? Fallopian Tube

53 What’s the Vocab Word?  Small folds of skin which protect the clitoris and urethra  Labia Minora

54 What happens during the dilation phase of childbirth? The uterus begins to contract and the cervix enlarges to 8-10 cm wide

55 What contraceptive is more effective at preventing pregnancy: Diaphragm with Spermicide or Withdrawal? Diaphragm with Spermicide

56 Name that STI  This STI is characterized by stinky, foamy-yellow discharge  Trichomoniasis

57 Name that STI  Bacterial infection also known as the silent infection  Chlamydia

58 What contraceptive is more effective at preventing pregnancy: Depo Provera Shot or Oral Pills? Depo Provera Shot

59 Define…  Consent  Mutual (and unimpaired) agreement to do something

60 What’s that part?? Clitoris

61 Which two forms of pregnancy prevention are permanent? Vasectomy (Vas Deferens cut) Tubal Ligation (Fallopian Tubes Cut or Blocked)

62 Name that STI  Highly contagious STI that is characterized by open blisters/sores  Genital Herpes

63 What’s the Vocab Word?  Erectile tissue in people with vaginas  Clitoris

64 What’s that part?? Cervix

65 Name that STI  2 nd most common STI  Gonorrhea

66  What are 3 types of abuse that can be found in relationships?  Sexual  Emotional (Mental)  Physical

67 What’s the Vocab Word?  Large folds of skin which surround the vagina  Labia Majora

68 Name that STI  Yeast infection  Candidiasis

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