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Why do our bodies need to circulate blood?? Our bodies circulate blood to get rid of carbon dioxide and to spread oxygen.

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3 Why do our bodies need to circulate blood?? Our bodies circulate blood to get rid of carbon dioxide and to spread oxygen.

4 There Are 3 Main Regions of The Body The Upper Region- The upper region is the region of the body that is above the heart. The vein that drains blood from the upper region of the body is called the Superior Vena Cava. The Lower Region- The lower region is region of the body that is below the heart. The vein that drains blood from the lower region of the body is called the Inferior Vena Cava. The Area of The Heart- The area of the heart is the area around and inside the heart. The vein that drains blood from the heart is called the Coronary Artery.

5 The 3 Main Regions of the body and their corresponding veins that connect them to the human heart are important to the circulatory system. They are the paths by which our blood travels and circulates through not only our hearts, but our whole bodies. These regions along with their veins are the building blocks to understanding the way our blood circulates.

6 Both sides of the heart work in our favor…. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs. The left side of the heart receives blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body.

7 Blood Circulation Process (on the right side) STEP 1: In the 1 st step of the blood circulation process, blood is drained into the heart at the right atrium.

8 Blood Circulation Process (on the right side) STEP 2: In step 2 of the blood circulation process, blood is pumped into the right ventricle.

9 Blood Circulation Process (on the right side) STEP 3: The third step of the blood circulation process is when the blood leaves the right ventricle and goes through the pulmonary artery.

10 Blood Circulation Process (on the right side) STEP 4: In during step 4, blood is pumped into the lungs from the pulmonary artery.

11 Blood Circulation Process (on the right side) STEP 5: During the 5 th step of the blood circulation process, blood is pumped back into the heart via the pulmonary vein.

12 Blood Circulation Process (on the left side) STEP 1: The first step of the blood circulation process on the left side of the heart is a continuation from the right side of the heart. The left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary vein.

13 Blood Circulation Process (on the left side) STEP 2: In step 2 of the blood circulation process on the left side of the heart, blood enters the left ventricle.

14 Blood Circulation Process (on the left side) STEP 3: In the 3 rd step of the blood circulation process on the left side of the heart, blood leaves the left ventricle and enters the rest of the human body via the aorta.

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