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-William O’Douglas, American Jurist, Supreme Court Justice (1898-1980) “Security can only be achieved through constant change, through discarding old.

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2 -William O’Douglas, American Jurist, Supreme Court Justice (1898-1980) “Security can only be achieved through constant change, through discarding old ideas that have outlived their usefulness and adapting others to current facts.”

3 It’s effect in the classroom, check it out.


5 In this Age of Information, what kind of society are we creating? Ethical Issues “ Information is the means through which the mind expands and increases its capacity to achieve its goals, often as a result of an input from another mind ” ~ Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol 10, Number 1, March 1986, Richard O Ethical Issue

6 What is Fair Use? What is Fair Use? Ethical Issue A copy right principle Based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism

7 ?QUESTION? Should you have the freedom to criticize an author, and use a quote from their work without asking permission? Ethical Issue ???

8 Protection and Risks What’s the problem? Who’s at risk? What can we do? What are the risks? Protection and Risks

9 Protection on the Internet AUP キ Less restrictive than filtering software キ Use internet in a safe manner キ Protects from giving out personal information キ Informs parents ** AUP acts as a written contract between administrators, teachers, parents and students… Protection and Risks

10 ~ Monitor students through each step Plagiarism No Longer Just A Written Problem? ~What ’ s the difference between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing on the net? ~How to document internet sources? Protection and Risks

11 Detect plagiarism in school. Need to know what’s what? Protection and Risks What to know about copyrights? Copyrights

12 Should Protection Go this Far? Teacher & Student Monitoring Administrators monitoring your internet use and e-mail activity? Why or Why not? Monitoring your students internet use and e-mail activity? Why or Why not? Protections and Risks

13 Internet Safety In the Classroom What can we do to keep our children safe in our classroom and at home? Transforming the Classroom

14 The best way to keep our Children safe is to educate them!

15 CyberbullyingCyberbullying – What is it ? Transforming the Classroom Who’s affected? How do we keep it from happening?

16 Transforming the Classroom Teach Children Never to give out personal information Know the rules and laws Identify Cyberbullying

17 Prevention Educate kids about the consequences to respect others take a stand against all bullying Transforming the Classroom

18 Show your students what Cyberbullying looks like Let them know that they are not alone, and they should tell a trusted adult Transforming the Classroom

19 Resources that Teach about Internet Safety Early Childhood Elementary School Elementary School Teen Safety

20 Web Exploration Group 2: <What are some of the requirements for this state ’ s public school AUP ’ s?> Group 3: Group 4: What works are NOT copyright protected? Group 5: <How do you feel about using biometric thumbprints in an educational setting?>

21 Summing It Up Working Together Ethical Issues Protecting Your Computer Working Together Ethical Issues Protecting Your Computer

22 Work Cited

23 Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Glenda A. Gunter, Randolph E. Gunter (2006) Teachers Discovering ComputersTeachers Discovering Computers ( Mason, Richard O. (1986). Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 10 Number 1, 5-12. Overview/chapter9/index.html Work Cited resources/wa_teachers/backgrounders/acceptable_use.cfm

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