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Educational department

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1 Educational department

2 Life Long Learning for all !

3 Aim To provide the concept of lifelong learning and bring it closer to vulnerable and marginalised categories –Refugees from BiH and Croatia –Internally displaced persons –Unemployed –People with disabilities –Torture victims –Juvenile delinquents –Roma –Women –Youth –People living with HIV

4 History IAN Telecentar presents continuation of activities in IAN's Centre for education established in 2001

5 Membership IAN Telecentar is a member of –Telecentre Europe Network –eMreza Network –Balkan Telecentar Network Certification –ECDL test centre and Advanced ECDL Test Centre –EUROPass centre –TOEIC certificates

6 Educational programmes IAN Telecentar has following programmes: IT courses – 30 different courses (Office, Web and Graphic design, specialised courses) English language courses – 12 different courses Life Skills courses – 9 different courses Entrepreneurship – 6 different courses Developing online courses

7 Principles of work Continuity in work One Stop center Holistic approach towards clients Group mixing Demanding programmes Weakest link Focus on quality not on quantity

8 Sustainability Project funding – sinergy with other IAN`s programmes Market participation –Courses –Renting –Expertise

9 Sustainability Advocacy Networking New services (online courses, live streaming) New specialised courses


11 Thank you! Ivan Stojilovic

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