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Immigration “Ignorance is the parent of fear. Fear is the parent of hatred.” - Author Unknown.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration “Ignorance is the parent of fear. Fear is the parent of hatred.” - Author Unknown."— Presentation transcript:


2 Immigration “Ignorance is the parent of fear. Fear is the parent of hatred.” - Author Unknown

3 RACE  a social construct  What does this mean??  determined by physical characteristics:  Skin color, facial features, hair texture  According to anthropologists, 3 races exist  Caucasian  African  Asian  Hispanic **





8 ETHNICITY  Determined by cultural traits:  Language, national origin, religion, customs  Examples include:

9 What about you?  What is your race?  What are your ethnicities?  What do you know about your family history?  How important is this history?

10 So, why is Race & Ethnicity important in our society?

11 American Culture Theories Melting Pot Melting Pot Mistake Salad Bowl Crucible: earthen pot for melting metals Alloy: Steel = Iron + Carbon

12 STEREOTYPE A standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group… …that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude or uncritical judgement Example:

13 PREJUDICE An adverse opinion or leaning… … formed without grounds or before sufficient knowledge; … … an irrational attitude of hostility Example: People are afraid of what they don’t know or understand.

14 RACISM A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities … … and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

15 Discrimination

16 Discussion What groups are considered minorities? Why? What common experiences do you think these groups share? Why?

17 Questions for YOU… Describe a time in your life where you, or a friend, have been a victim of prejudice, intolerance and/or discrimination. Where do people learn attitudes of prejudice, intolerance and hatred? Can prejudice, intolerance and hatred be prevented? Think of some ways in which prejudice, intolerance and hatred CAN be prevented.

18 American Culture Theories

19 Melting Pot Melting Pot Mistake Salad Bowl Crucible: earthen pot for melting metals Alloy: Steel = Iron + Carbon

20 Melting Pot New American Culture

21 Salad Bowl “Pluralism”

22 Melting Pot Mistake “Assimilation”

23 American Culture Theories N+I=N N+I=NI N+I=M

24 Definition Assimil. or Accult.? Does AC change or stay same? MeltingPot Melting Pot Mistake Salad Bowl Assimilation Acculturation Changes Stays same Changes N + I = A N + I = N N + I = NI


26 A Place At The Table Video for tomorrow…

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