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Glamorizing Sex For the Young Audience Sammy Newbold CIS 1020 Section 035.

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1 Glamorizing Sex For the Young Audience Sammy Newbold CIS 1020 Section 035

2 Not only is the media causing a rising rates in obesity, diabetes, addictions, low self esteem, poor grades, violence, divorce but also in teen pregnancies. Lately with shows like Teen Mom, OC, Gossip Girl, Jersey Shore, The secret life of an American teenager. Teen sexual activity and teen pregnancies have become glamorized and accepted in our society

3 Now researchers at the Rand Corp. have found that teens exposed to the most sexual content on TV are twice as likely as teens watching less of this material to become pregnant before they reach age 20. White teens who watch the most sexual content had a twofold increased risk of initiating in intercourse the following year, where black teens, however appear more influenced by their parents and friends to engage in sexual activities.

4 Percent of shows with sexual content, by type of show, in 2001-2002

5 Why has the TV become the leading sex educator for children? The majority of parents have decided to share rather than shield their children from sex on TV American public schools are limited to what they can teach and only promote abstinence until marriage and fail to discuses any information related to contraception's.


7 Not discussing contraception Higher teen pregnancy rates More high school drop outs

8 The spiritual effects that sex on TV has on the youth. Many teens are lowering their standards or values about sex because of peer pressure and the glamorization of sex in the media. Teens see sexual relations before marriage as “everyone does it” in the movies and television, so why cant I?

9 The mental affect it has on our children. Showing sex on TV without consequences causes our children to think that nothing bad can happen when engaging in young sexual interactions or with multiple partners.

10 Read more! C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Sex on TV.docx

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