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Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time Committee on Elementary Particle Physics in (the First Decades of) the 21st Century May 5, 2006 Sally Dawson.

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Presentation on theme: "Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time Committee on Elementary Particle Physics in (the First Decades of) the 21st Century May 5, 2006 Sally Dawson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time Committee on Elementary Particle Physics in (the First Decades of) the 21st Century May 5, 2006 Sally Dawson Fermilab Steering Committee, May 14, 2007

2 2 The “EPP2010” Committee National Academies convened this committee in response to a request from NSF and DOE to: 1.Identify the compelling questions that define the current particle physics agenda 2.Recommend a 15-year implementation plan with realistic, ordered priorities to address them Half of the members were drawn from outside of particle physics Harold T. Shapiro, Chair Princeton Univ Sally Dawson, Vice Chair Brookhaven Natl Lab Norman Augustine Lockheed Martin (retired) Neal Lane Rice Univ Jonathan Bagger Johns Hopkins Univ Nigel Lockyer Univ of Penn Philip Burrows Oxford Univ Sidney Nagel Univ of Chicago Sandra Faber Univ of Calif Observatories Homer Neal Univ of Michigan Stuart Freedman Univ of Calif, Berkeley Ritchie Patterson Cornell Univ Jerome Friedman MIT Helen Quinn Stanford Linear Accel. Center David Gross Kavli Inst for Theor. Physics Charles Shank Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab Joseph Hezir EOP Group, Inc. Paul Steinhardt Princeton Univ Norbert Holtkamp Oak Ridge Natl Lab Harold Varmus Sloan-Kettering Takaaki Kajita Univ of Tokyo Edward Witten Inst for Advanced Study

3 3 Status of the U.S. Program Historical distinction Stagnating level of support for past 10 years Intellectual center of gravity moving abroad Major experiments are coming to the end of their scientifically useful lives  There is no clear follow-on plan in place  Significant risk of losing substantial (intellectual and financial) resources  However, there is a “silver lining” –As facilities close or change focus, resources are becoming available to support and launch new initiatives

4 4 Strategic Framework Particle physics is an important part of the national effort in the physical sciences –Key intellectual role in physics –Driver of scientific and technological frontiers –Inspiration and attraction for future generations The United States should aspire to a leadership role in the global program of particle physics –In the modern world, leadership does not mean singular dominance but rather taking initiative at the frontiers, accepting appropriate risks, and catalyzing partnerships both at home and abroad –We need to put greater emphasis on strategic international partnerships

5 5 Strategic Framework A diverse portfolio of activities is crucial “Even in periods of budgetary stringency, sufficient funding and diversity must be retained in the pipeline of projects so that the United States is positioned to participate in the most exciting science wherever it occurs” Need for vision, priorities, risk taking, flexibility, and responsible budgets To fully achieve the potential of particle physics, multi-year planning is required –Large-scale science requires long-term commitment The administration of the U.S. program in particle physics is poised for change –With some national labs changing their focus, Fermilab will become even more central to the particle physics community –A new level of national and international planning is required to provide a full range of opportunities to physicists, to explore a wide range of approaches, to be good stewards of public funds and thus to increase the probability of important discoveries –Advisory and guidance processes for the field should be adjusted accordingly

6 6 Priorities (in order) 1.Exploit the opportunities offered by the LHC 2.Plan and initiate a comprehensive program to participate in the global effort to complete the necessary R&D to design and plan an international linear collider 3.Do what is necessary to mount an internationally compelling bid to build the international linear collider on U.S. soil 4.Seize the opportunities at the intersection of particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology by coordinating and expanding domestic efforts 5.Pursue an internationally coordinated, staged program in the physics of neutrinos and proton decay 6.Pursue precision probes of physics beyond the Standard Model using available resources as a guide to overall level of effort while maintaining diversity

7 7 International Linear Collider Cost and schedule –Global scientific consensus led to a world-wide planning activity (GDE) –Key objective is determination of a credible design, cost, and schedule –Assumption [Barish@Cornell EPP2010 meeting]: Discussions of international management, etc will proceed in parallel with technical design effort ILC cost was not known when report written Only formal cost information available to committee was TESLA cost Relative timing –ILC would only become tenable after cost and initial LHC results complete the grounds for decision-making “an informed decision [to construct ILC] …should be made no later than 2010” –Decision depends on: Cost Successful R&D to overcome technical challenges First results from the LHC

8 8 Further Comments “The committee believes that accelerators will remain an essential component of the program, since some critical scientific questions cannot be explored in any other manner” Recommendations assume budget at least receives constant effort increase –Recognizes that ILC in the US not possible without significant new funds

9 9 What the Report Means for Fermilab Science program of the national laboratories is evolving –Fermilab will become the only laboratory primarily devoted to particle physics Fermilab program will be, in large part, the national program Fermilab is a strong contender to have the ILC sited nearby –Final decision will be political The committee recommends that the U.S. initiate an international effort to consider how best to coordinate a long-term global effort with long- baseline neutrino experiments Fermilab will play a key role in mobilizing and working with the country’s best talent and resources and in implementing a national vision that has strategic importance in the global context

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