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PUBERTY Name:_________________Day:____Period:____.

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1 PUBERTY Name:_________________Day:____Period:____

2 What is Puberty? 1. It is when your body starts growing and changing. 2. These changes occur because of hormones: estrogen (girls) testosterone (boys) When Does Puberty Occur? There is no exact age Boys: 10-17Girls: 8-18

3 1.You may start to socialize with different people. Your feelings change a lot and you may feel differently about your family, friends and classmates. “Social” Changes Emotional Changes 1. When you go through puberty, your emotions are all over the place. One minute you may feel happy, and another minute you may feel very sad or angry. 2. How to deal with it: Try “think before you act”. If you just act on your emotions, without thinking, you may hurt someone’s feelings. 2. How to deal with it: “Make new friends but keep the old”.

4 Physical Changes “It may feel weird but that’s normal” 2. Gain weight 1. Grow more body hair 5. Voice changes 4. Develop acne 6. Develop secondary sex characteristics For both boys and girls 3. Develop body odor The physical change:How to deal with it 1. Shave 2. Eat healthy and exercise 3. Wear deodorant/ bathe more 4. Use facial cleansers or creams

5 What Boys can Expect 1. Growth spurt between 13-14 years old. 2. Grow larger ears, hands and feet. 3. Develop larger muscles and broader shoulders. What Girls can Expect 1. Growth spurt around 11 years old. 2. Grow larger breasts. 3. Start to get rounder, wider hips and narrower waists. 4. Start menstruation (period) around 13 years old.

6 Surviving Puberty 1. Ask lots of questions: There are no “stupid” questions. 3. Look for information: Only use appropriate books and/or websites. NEVER do a “Google” search for puberty. 4. RESPECT and ACCEPT your body: If you respect yourself, you are more likely to make sure others respect you. 5.Talk to somebody: Try to talk to someone who you feel comfortable with and who you can trust. 2. Give your parents a chance: Your parents may not know how to deal with you “growing up”.

7 Why is the Female Reproductive System Important? It produces eggs (sex cell). It protects and nourishes the fertilized egg. It allows a woman to give birth.

8 1. Ovaries: Two organs that produce, store, and release eggs into the fallopian tubes. They produce estrogen. 3. Fallopian Tubes: Connects the ovaries to the uterus (“highway” for eggs) 2. Ovulation: when the egg is release from the ovary 4. Uterus: Connects with the vagina, has some of the strongest muscles, and it expands and contracts to accommodate a growing fetus. 5. Cervix: A very small opening at the bottom of the uterus that expands to allow a baby to pass through. 6. Vagina: Muscular tube that extends from the uterus (womb) to the outside of the body

9 Menstruation 1. Occurs once a month when ovulation occurs. 2. If the egg isn’t fertilized, it dissolves. 3. Lasts from 3-5 days 4. Effects: nausea, cramping, headache, CRANKY 5. Dealing with it: Tampons, pads

10 What makes up the Male Reproductive System? 2. The Testicles 3. The Duct System4. The Accessory Glands 1. The Penis

11 2. Penis: Made of the shaft and glans; it can expand and contract. There is something called the Urethra: It is the channel that carries the semen out side the body 1. Testicles: (Testes)They produce and store sperm (sex cell), and they produce the hormone testosterone. 3. Scrotum: There are two of them and they are like a pouch; it holds the epididymis and testicles; it also regulates the temperature for sperm.

12 1. Epididymis: they are right next to the testicles, and they connect to the vas deferens. 2. Vas Deferens: a muscular tube that transports the semen. Semen is the fluid that’s made up of a sperm and other fluids. Parts of the Duct System Parts of the Accessory Glands 1.Seminal Vesicles: Provides fluids to nourish sperm and is attached to the vas deferens. 2. Prostate Gland: Produces part of sperm Fertilization: The union of the sperm and the egg.

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