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RSS: What it is, How to find it How to use it. RSS in Plain English: A CommonCraft Video find more great videos on technology at

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1 RSS: What it is, How to find it How to use it

2 RSS in Plain English: A CommonCraft Video find more great videos on technology at

3 RSS "Definition": Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary still want more?

4 RSS: Computers Talking to Computers 1. Find a link on a website (usually this button: ) some sites even have index pages for all their links: 2. The link has a "subscribe" option & some messy code: 3. Feed readers use those links to track each update separately:

5 What do you need to get started? 1. Choose a feed reader See handout for comparison chart 2. Set up an account See handouts for step-by-step process We'll each set up a new account to practice with 3. Find feeds & organize them Librarians will help faculty with this We'll practice on our own accounts

6 Handout #1: Choosing A Feed Reader What do your faculty want? A one-stop place to read updates organize by topic organize by urgency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) customize views for faster browsing An easy way to share information e-mail to friends and/or colleagues update "widget" on a course page More flexible options for reading & sharing e-mail, web, mobile, etc.

7 Handouts - Setting up Accounts Quick Review: Bloglines: You can change the username anytime Validate setup, new e-mail address or passwords Google Reader: E-mail address you set up with is the username. Validate setup, new e-mail address or password NewsGatorOnline: Username is permanent No validation for changing e-mail or password Remember: to validate you'll need access to their e-mail

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