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Name: Gemma and Jacinta. Hygiene Wash your hands Clean the bench top.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Gemma and Jacinta. Hygiene Wash your hands Clean the bench top."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Gemma and Jacinta

2 Hygiene Wash your hands Clean the bench top

3 Ingredients Carrot Olives Chicken Lettuce Cheese Sour dough bread

4 Materials needed: Knife Chopping board plate Peeler Grater

5 Preparation: Wash lettuce and slice Peel carrot Grate carrot Drain olives Chop chicken Slice sour dough Cut cheese

6 Steps Do all the preparation Put it in sandwich

7 Steps EAT IT

8 Steps Chill out

9 Cleaning up Throw away crust put dishes in dishwasher

10 Expectations: What do I think it will taste like? Yummmmmmmmm How long will it take to make? 10 mins Why is your sandwich considered healthy? Yeah

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