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Riga is a venue for Cultural Events. Content 1. Riga in figures 2. Riga history in Brief 3. People Make Cities 4. Riga nowadays(current cultural events)

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Presentation on theme: "Riga is a venue for Cultural Events. Content 1. Riga in figures 2. Riga history in Brief 3. People Make Cities 4. Riga nowadays(current cultural events)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Riga is a venue for Cultural Events

2 Content 1. Riga in figures 2. Riga history in Brief 3. People Make Cities 4. Riga nowadays(current cultural events)

3 Riga in Figures Year of foundation: 1201 Population: 736,000 people Location: by the river Daugava Area: 307 Languages: Latvian is the official state language. Russian is the mother tongue for one third of the population. Religion: Lutheran,Catholic,Orthodox;sevices in the English language take place at the Anglican church in the Old City. President:Andris Berzinsh

4 Riga History in Brief It was fouded in 1201 by Bishop Albert arrived from Bremen with 500 crusaders.The area had already been settled for a long time before(about 2500 B.C.).

5 The middle of the 13th century Then... Albert founded the Order of the Brothers of the Sword in order to convert the native population to Christianity. It lasted until 1236 when the Order was defeated and became the Livonian Order,part of the Teutonic Knights.

6 The Haensetic League Riga continued to grow and in 1282 joined the Haensetic League,an alliance of trading cities and their merchants.

7 The Polish, the Swedish, the Russians… In 1561 the Livonian Order was defeated and the Polish –Lithuanian Commonwealth took control of Riga.Later,in 1621, Riga became under the rule of king of Sweden. Then the Great Northern War brought Peter the Great to Riga’s doorstep and in 1710 he conquered the city. The Russians’ rule lasted almost 200 years. Riga in the middle of the 16 th century

8 The Riga society in the 19 th century During all these wars the power in Riga remained in the hands of German merchant class.In the 19 th c. a middle class of educated Latvians appeared. The Riga Latvian society was founded in 1868 and they organised the first Song Festival in 1873.

9 Riga and the First World War By this time Riga was a big port and the third biggest city in the Russian Empire. After the 1 st World War,in 1918,Latvia declared its independence.

10 Riga during the Second World War In 1939 Stalin and Hitler divided Europe and Latvia was between them. It became under the rule of Soviet government and deportation began. The Nazis took rule in 1941.A Ghetto and concentration camp was set up in Riga.

11 The End of the War In 1944 Latvia was released from the Nazis. The Soviet rule lasted until 1991. Riga in Soviet times….

12 Restoration of Independence In 1989 a human chain, the ‘Baltic Way’ was formed, running from Tallinn to Vilnius and passing through Riga, as a protest against the occupation of the Baltic countries. In January 1991, an attack on the TV tower in Vilnius led to the barricading of the city. Seven people died in attacks on the barricades. On the 6th of August 1991, Latvia’s independence was recognised by the Soviet Union.

13 People make cities (Links with the British) Riga and its mayor George Armistead The name of this gentleman with the spouse is George Armistead, the most notable mayor of Riga through its all history. During his rule 1901-1912 Riga has been changing a lot. He is the person who wasn't afraid to change Riga look, destroy wooden houses and build new building in Art Nouveau style. He had built many schools, hospitals, central market, had setup a Riga Zoo.wooden housesArt Nouveau stylehospitalscentral marketRiga Zoo

14 George Armistead, facts from biography He was born in Riga,in the family of a British merchant.He studied abroad, in Zurich and Oxford, worked as an engineer in Russia, then returned to Riga. In 1901 he was elected Mayor of Riga. During his time many buildings were reconstructed and many new ones were built. Some theatres, museums, libraries were built and 3 hospitals opened. Children’s hospital,Vienibas Gatve str. Riga’s First hospital

15 Art Nouveau(Jugendstil) in Riga Also some 600 Art Noveau buildings were constructed in Riga during the time of G.Armistead. Art Academy of Latvia is one of the most remarkable buildings of Riga. It was built in 1905 and joins two most popular Riga’s architecure styles Gothic and Art Nouveau.

16 Parks Some parks were created and reconstructed during the time of G.Armistead.He was also responsible for for the creation of Europe’s first forest suburb (Kaiserwald) nowadays known as Mežaparks,for the opening of Riga Zoo.

17 The First Tram The first electric tram line was created during the time of G.Armistead as mayor.

18 More objects... The Fire Station in Hansas street The Water Tower in Alises street.

19 Riga’s 800th Anniversary In 2001 Riga celebrated its 800th birthday anniversary.In 2004,Latvia joined the European Union and NATO.

20 Riga-2014,How Are You? (Current Cultural Events) Riga is already a venue for cultural events but in 2014 it will become the cultural epicentre of Europe.During its year as European capital of culture hundreds of special events will take place.

21 Kaleidoscope of Cultural Events Event: Organ music concert at Riga Dome Date: 16.04 2014 Experienced Latvian organ players, as well as guests from Italy, Holland, Petersburg, Finland, and many other countries participate in concerts of organ music.

22 Ballet Event: 19th International Baltic Ballet Festival Date: 07.04.2014-18.05.2014

23 Opera Event: Riga Opera Festival Date:03.06.2014-15.06.2014 The first festival of such scale in Northern Europe

24 Museums Event: Night of Museums Date: 17.05.2014 Around 120 Latvian museums will participate at the European Night of Museums on May 19. Doors will be opened also to a number of theatres, concert halls, libraries, universities and historical buildings.

25 Exhibitions Event: The Baltic Jewel exhibition Date: 15.05.2014-23.12.2014 This exhibition presents the most interesting pieces from the collection of the Latvian National History Museum from the Stone Age until modern times.

26 Festivals Event: Riga City Festival 2014 Date: 15.08.2014-17.08.2014 It is the main annual event,a kaleidoscope of musical,artistic,theatrical and dance performances,sports events and attractions.

27 Quiz When was Riga founded? A 1250 B 1209 C 1201

28 Quiz Who founded Riga?. King Alfred.Bishop Albert.King Arthur

29 Quiz Who firstly took control of Riga? A the Polish B the Swedish C the Russians

30 Quiz When did Latvia declare its first independence? A in 1920 B in 1930 C in 1918

31 Quiz When did Latvia declare its second independence? A in 1989 B in 1990 C in 1991

32 Quiz What was George Armistead? A a president B an architect C a mayor

33 Quiz What year did Riga celebrate its 800th anniversary? A in 2000 B in 2002 C in 2001

34 Quiz What is Riga-2014? A a place of European summit B a famous resort C a Eurpoean capital of culture

35 Quiz How many towers can you see on the panorama of Riga? A 12 B 9 C 7

36 Thank you For Attention!

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