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InRev1 APPROACHES TO PSYCHOLOGY Characteristics Emphasizes activity of the nervous system, especially of the brain; the action of hormones and other chemicals;

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Presentation on theme: "InRev1 APPROACHES TO PSYCHOLOGY Characteristics Emphasizes activity of the nervous system, especially of the brain; the action of hormones and other chemicals;"— Presentation transcript:

1 InRev1 APPROACHES TO PSYCHOLOGY Characteristics Emphasizes activity of the nervous system, especially of the brain; the action of hormones and other chemicals; and genetics. Emphasizes the ways in which behavior and mental processes are adaptive for survival. Emphasizes internal conflicts, mostly unconscious, which usually pit sexual or aggressive instincts against environmental obstacles to their expression. Emphasizes learning, especially each person’s experience with rewards and punishments. Emphasizes mechanisms through which people receive, store, retrieve, and otherwise process information. Emphasizes individual potential for growth and the role of unique perceptions in guiding behavior and mental processes. Approach Biological Evolutionary Psychodynamic Behavioral Cognitive Humanistic

2 L1 SOCIAL INFLUENCE What makes some people so aggresive? (p. 647) TREATMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Does psychotherapy work? (p. 582) PERCEPTION Can subliminal messages help you lose weight (p.141) LINKAGES to Introducing Psychology

3 Tab1_2 Personal identity Major goals Criteria for self-esteem Sources of success and failure Major frame of reference Connected to others Defined by others; belong; occupy your proper place; meet your obligations to others; be like others Ability to restrain the self and be part of a social unit; be self- effacing Success due to help from others; failure due to personal faults Family, work group VariableIndividualistCollectivist Separate from others Self-defined; be unique; realize your personal potential; compete with others Ability to express unique aspects of the self; be self-assured Success comes from personal effort, failure from external factors Personal attitudes, traits, and goals

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