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Ariiannah Long 2014-09-26 EDUC 84 Early Childhood Development.

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1 Ariiannah Long 2014-09-26 EDUC 84 Early Childhood Development

2 Nature is how we came to be. It is our genetics, in which we get from our parents and family before us. It could be as if a parental figure was very smart with technology, or books, then the child has a possibility of growing with some of the same genetics in which could make them smart with the same materials. Nurture is the environment in which we grow up in. For example, if a baby is constantly listening to classical music because the parental figure enjoys it, as the baby grows they might like the sound of classical music as it may sooth or relax them. As they get older, listening to that genre of music could be an everyday occurrence for the child.

3 Nature 1) A characteristic in my family that is due to nature is depression. My brother had gotten the genetics for the mental illness but has fortunately recovered. Support: (KAIL, ZOLNER,2015, P. 59) “ Depression: a psychological disorder in which a person has pervasive feelings of sadness or irritability, as well as other symptoms, for a period of two weeks.” 2) A second characteristic that is genetic in my family is eye sight. Both of my parents were born with the need for glasses, and have been wearing them all their life. I also wear glasses, but my vision is not as blurred as there's.

4 Nurture 1)A personal characteristic I have grown into for nurture is all about my environment. Growing up in the country, I was constantly outside wanting to be active and using my imagination to play fun wilderness games. With that, I grew up more active, which helped me be more healthy and in shape. Since I played a lot of outdoor games, I developed a big imagination and have always been interested in outdoor activities. Support: (KAIL, ZOLNER, 2015, P. 55) “Behavioural Genetics: the study of the inheritance of behavioural and psychological traits.” I use this support because growing up in the country contributed to my behaviour and psychological traits because I find being outside as a relaxing area and being more healthy for me. I find it as a soothing environment. 2) A second characteristic of nurture would have to be support. My environment is full of support especially for my college education. Support has helped me to be focused on school work, and to try my hardest.

5 1) Katie loves strawberry jam on toast, just like her dad. Nature or nurture? Katie's love for strawberry jam would be an example of nurture. Her father likes it, so I would assume because of him liking to eat toast and jam Katie tried it and enjoyed it too.

6 2) Ernest lived to the age of 101. Nature or Nurture? Ernest lived to be a 101 because of the way he lived and took care of himself. Living that long is about taking care of yourself and giving your body what is physically and mentally needs. Support: (Greenwood, Parasuraman, 2012) “Although our physical abilities clearly decline as we age, cognitive decline in healthy old age is neither universal nor inevitable.”

7 3) Justin loses his temper easily and often gets into fights. Nature or nurture? This situation can go easily into both nature and nurture. Justin could have easily gotten anger issues from his father, but the environment he is in could easily be a factor as to why he's angry. He could be bullied, or abused, or even hang out with the “wrong” crowd. Support: “ The Research of Dr. Redford Williams: According to Dr. Redford’s Williams’ research, central nervous system (CNS) serotonin function is involved in the regulation of potentially health damaging behavioral characteristics such as anxiety, depression, hostility and social isolation.”

8 4) John has just come out of being gay. Nature or nurture? Nature. John is gay because he was born gay. Johns hormones point him towards men and that is who he is sexually attracted too. Support: (ISAY,2009, P1) “Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as illness…”

9 5) Sarah has an impressive general knowledge and is a quiz show champion. Nature or nurture? Sarah is bright because of nurture. Her environment has taught her to learn and to be knowledgeable, and to use it to her advantage.

10 6) Olivia loves the colour pink. Nature or nurture? Nature. Olivia likes pink because possibly her parents always decorated her room in pink or dressed her in pink, or it could just be her own preference. It could also be that since society see’s pink as a “girls” colour, that she may just choose it because of that. Support: (Kimborough, Tonia,2014, P1) Women are drawn to blended colors that lean toward the red end of color spectrum (think pink), while men hold fast to the blue end of the spectrum when presented with blends.

11 KAIL, & ZOLNER. (2015). Early Childhood Education (4th ed.). GREENWOOD, & PARASURAMAN. (2012). Nurturing the Older Brain and Mind. The Discovery of the Anger Gene. (n.d.). Retrieved from html A. ISAY, R. (2009). Being Homosexual. New York: Vintage Books. TONIA, & KIMBROUGH. (n.d.). Gender Preferences. Retrieved from ?sid=1e5a29f7-a91f-419c-9611- 852c509e048d@sessionmgr114&vid=9&hid=115

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