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Presentation on theme: " CAFOD Campaigns Maria Elena Arana 10/09/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAFOD Campaigns Maria Elena Arana 10/09/11

2 Outline of session Act on Poverty 2010 Bribery Act Aid effectiveness Teatime for Change Climate Justice: Don’t Drop the Ball livesimply award for parishes New CAFOD Campaign on Water and Sanitation What have we achieved? What next?

3 Campaigns within the Advocacy Strategy React quicker to Government policy through lobbying and campaigning work eg aid, Bribery bill. Different campaigns for different audiences based on speed of response core/country specific/urgent humanitarian. Eg. Haiti debt relief, Sudan Different ways of communicating campaigning to different kinds of campaigners – SideBySide magazine with campaign actions, online and e- actions



6 Tackling bribery... 1 February 2011 – Delay in publication of Bribery Act guidance announced after months of corporate lobbying. CAFOD calls for the government to stick to its guns and implement the Act. 4 February - MPC’s mobilised to bring pressure on David Cameron, Ken Clarke and George Osborne 30 March – Guidance published 1 July – Act implemented

7 Tackling bribery... CAFOD praised for its leadership on this “Our aid agencies in this country are important above all for the work that you do on the ground in developing countries – but also for the arguments you make: such as CAFOD’s insistence that we tackle the bribery and corruption which robs people in poor countries and that the government should be going ahead with tough implementation of the Bribery Act.” - Harriet Harman, Shadow Secretary of State for International Development, June 2010

8 Aid Effectiveness –Hooray? “the people and Government of Britain are on your side, and we will use every tool in our policy armoury – aid, trade, climate policy, diplomacy, business investment, and more – to champion justice, freedom, fairness and prosperity for you” Andrew Mitchell Secretary of State for International Development

9 Aid Effectiveness – boo! Defence Secretary Liam Fox has challenged a plan to enshrine in law the UK's promise to spend 0.7% of its gross national income on overseas aid. “I cannot support the proposal in its current form".

10 Campaign activities Urgent action email on Liam Fox letter to PM. 663 responses in one day.

11 Tea time for change success! 1200 supporters 146 MPs lobbied ONE BIG THANK YOU!

12 Campaign activities Of 77 target MPs, 58 were contacted by constituents 61 MPs lobbied were new intake MPs = 41%. 110 said yes to our aid ask on aid (79%) 76 MPs signed EDM in support of TT4C

13 Parliamentary Friends of CAFOD 25 MPs very active Over 100 MPs and Lords members Eg Ian Duncan- Smith MP – a member but too busy as a minister to do anything. Paul Goggins MP – was too busy as a former minister – now has more time for CAFOD!


15 2 areas of progress at Cancun: (1)agreed on the need to limit carbon emissions (2)pledged more money to help poorer countries cope with climate change impacts

16 December 2009 - Copenhagen

17 December 2010 - Cancun

18 December 2011 – Durban ?




22 Don’t drop the ball campaign Target: George Osborne Timeframe: Launched - 1 August Close - 10 November Climate finance could help people vulnerable to climate change cope with its impacts.

23 Don’t drop the ball - key asks 1.Ensure the UK pays its fair share of climate finance – and that it ensures a plan is adopted at Durban on where the money will come from 2.Champion the setting up of the international Green Climate Fund 3.Pay the UK’s contribution into this Fund

24 The road to Durban... Key international meetings EU Finance Ministers meeting – 13 September G20 Finance Ministers meeting – 14-15 October G20 – 3-4 November International Maritime Organisation Assembly – 21-30 November Campaigns opportunities Coalition working to influence Osborne ahead of Finance Ministers Mobilising campaigners to write to key MPs Bearing Witness at Conservative Party Conference Possible coalition stunt ahead of G20 African Climate Connection (SCC)-end of Nov-Dec

25 Don’t drop the ball - resources Action card Parish action sheet - including short talk and activity ideas Climate finance: the facts in your hands




29 Bearing Witness 1 October Act and pray for climate justice Manchester


31 livesimply AWARD


33 Pope Paul VI was writing a letter to the world…….. This letter was called ‘Populorum Progressio’ ‘On the Development of Peoples’ It was concerned with global poverty and injustice

34 livesimply: our challenge “All Catholics are called to act… Catholics of the richer lands must play their part to help development. They should be in the forefront of those who fight to build a better world, based on justice and equality.” Pope Paul VI, On the development of peoples, para.81

35 Our response…. “Each person must examine their conscience, which sounds a new call in our present times. Are they prepared to pay more for imported goods, so that the foreign producer may make a fairer profit?”

36 Key Message: God calls us to look hard at our lifestyles and to choose to live SIMPLY, SUSTAINABLY and in SOLIDARITY with those who live in poverty. In this way we can help create a world in which human dignity is respected and everyone can reach their full potential. This would be true progress, worth more than economic growth alone.

37 What is the new livesimply award The livesimply network with CAFOD working with Eco-Congregations encouraging us to: Live Simply Live sustainably with creation Live in solidarity with people living in poverty The Award recognises parish or community achievements in putting these principles into action.

38 Who is organising the livesimply Award? Supported by the livesimply network Co-ordinated by Eco-congregations In partnership with CAFOD

39 Potential benefits for your parish. Nurture for our spiritual lives Strengthen friendships Support for taking practical steps Help to play our part in big issues Connections with wider community



42 Lent 2012 – Act - water Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are vital for life. 900 million people lack access to safe water and 2.5 billion to basic sanitation MDG target 7 “access to safe water and basic sanitation “ 4,000 children die every day from easily preventable diseases caused by dirty water and lack of sanitation.

43 Lent 2012 – Act - key messages 1. All people in the world should have access to clean, safe water for drinking/sanitation. 2. This is an injustice. There are many effects of water scarcity on development – on health, education, women’s rights for instance. 3. There are many causes of water scarcity we need to tackle. 4. Climate change is one of them, and will make it even harder for poor people in the future.

44 Lent 2012 – call to action Our faith calls us to stand in solidarity with the vulnerable and demand our leaders give people their human right to water. You can change this. There is enough water for everyone and the solutions are there: requires political will to act. Action live January – June 2012

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