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September 10, 2014 Mrs. Girard Welcome to Kindergarten Open House.

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Presentation on theme: "September 10, 2014 Mrs. Girard Welcome to Kindergarten Open House."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 10, 2014 Mrs. Girard Welcome to Kindergarten Open House

2 - Parking lot is for school employees only -The earliest you can drop off your child is at 8:15 am. Students will be unsupervised if dropped off earlier. -Dismissal: Please make sure that your child says goodbye to me and I have made eye-contact with you before taking him/her. Drop-off and Dismissal

3 Red Folder: Daily Homework, Graded Daily Homework, Notes from me or the school *Please check and empty folder daily Book Buddy: Your child will be starting to bring home a Guided Reading book every night. Red Folder & Book Buddy

4 Math: Skill work to reinforce what was taught that day in school Math Centers : We will have Math Centers on Fridays and there will not be math homework assigned. Guided Reading : On-level text sent home nightly Language Arts/Fundations: Alphabet skills, handwriting skills, word- building skills Writing: It is very important to let your child do the writing. Writing homework will be assigned occasionally. Homework

5 - Teacher meets with small groups -Other students work in literacy stations - Please talk to your child about being focused, doing his/her best, cooperating and taking turns during literacy stations -This is the time when volunteers are so very important Guided Reading/ Literacy Work Stations

6 - 3 Show-And-Tell items - 4-5 Photos - Special Guest - -Able to pick the job he/she wants Star of the Week

7 - Every child starts on green - If placed on yellow or red, behavior note will be sent home - Students may go back to green - Red, yellow, and green slips may be sent home by other teachers Behavior Plan

8 - We are working to achieve 98% student attendance this year - Notes to Mr. Santiago, he will put unexcused/excused absences into the system - School calendar online (vacations) - Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time Absences/Tardies

9 - Room parent: Rosalva Rivers - Please fill out volunteer paperwork from Mrs. Murphy - Looking for weekly volunteers - - B, D, & F days: 9:30-11:30 a.m. - Every Friday for Math Centers from 9:30-11:30 a.m. - -Any morning from 8:30-9:15 a.m. for individual literacy/math support - Please sign-up if you are available to help on a consistent, weekly basis - We will ask for volunteers throughout the school year: field trips, special days, take home projects Volunteering

10 - Looking for a librarian who will go to the public library through out the year to check out books for the classroom Librarian

11 - Email to schedule an appointment: - Before or after school Appointments/ Conferences

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