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Preparing for the Long Essay. The Long Essay Rubric- See Writing Packet.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the Long Essay. The Long Essay Rubric- See Writing Packet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the Long Essay

2 The Long Essay Rubric- See Writing Packet

3 Critical Thinking Skills Continuity and Change Over Time Causation Comparison Periodization MOST COMMON WORDING: “EVALUATE THE EXTENT…”

4 Continuity and Change BODY PARAGRAPH 1- CONTINUITY What stays the same? BODY PARAGRAPH 2- CHANGE What changes?

5 Causation (2 options) BODY PARAGRAPH 1- CAUSE BODY PARAGRAPH 2- EFFECT Strong analysis- make sure to link back to your cause BODY PARAGRAPH 1- CAUSE 1/Impact BODY PARAGRAPH 2- Cause 2/Impact

6 Comparison BODY PARAGRAPH 1- POINT #1 Could be… An argument A person A movement A region An event BODY PARAGRAPH 2- POINT #2 Analysis should refer back to body paragraph 1 “Unlike _______” *USE CONCLUSION TO REINFORCE SIMILARITIES* Thesis: Although (whichever one is weaker), (whichever one is stronger)…

7 Periodization To what extent was ______ a turning point in American history? OR _________ was a turning point… support, modify, or refute BODY PARAGRAPH 1- BEFORE BODY PARAGRAPH 2- AFTER How was the country different because of THAT EVENT? Must include some way that it stayed the same

8 Reminders Intro structure stays the same – Topic sentence: time and place – Partition: one sentence per body paragraph – Thesis Thesis must take a position on the prompt – If possible, include a “because,” “in that,” “as it,” to strengthen thesis statement – ALWAYS address degree if asked – NEVER have vague partition and vague thesis

9 Include synthesis somewhere (last ditch effort can be in the end of last body paragraph or in conclusion) – At least two sentences – MUST extend your argument!!!

10 1.Intro sentence 2.Partition Sentence #1 (Preview of 1 st Body Paragraph) 3.Partition Sentence #2 (Preview of 2 nd Body Paragraph) 4.Thesis Topic Sentence #1 (corresponds to Partition Sentence #1) Info and analysis that supports the topic sentence Topic Sentence #2 (corresponds to Partition Sentence #2) Info and analysis that supports the topic sentence Conclusion Restating thesis, and partition in backwards order First ¶ : Introduction Second ¶ : Body Paragraph #1 Third ¶ : Body Paragraph #1 Fourth ¶ : Conclusion

11 Abbreviations

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