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Imperial Christianity

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Presentation on theme: "Imperial Christianity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperial Christianity
Constantine (emperor ) Battle of Milvian Bridge (312) Chi-Rho

2 Constantine’s Empire

3 Trinity Heresy and Orthodoxy Trinity/Trinitarian
Father, Son, Holy Spirit Main Issues: Monotheism Jesus = God

4 Trinity Arius (250-336); Arianism Council of Nicea: 325
homoousias / homoiousias 3 hypostases in 1 ousia

5 Christology Two separate persons, one divine and one human
Nestorius (d. 451); Nestorians One person, one nature, both divine Monophysites; Jacobites Jacob Baradeus (500-78) One person, two natures Council of Chalcedon (451) Chalcedonian

6 Christianity East & West

7 Eastern Roman Empire

8 Eastern Christianity Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic 1054
The Pope, Papacy Filioque Symeon the New Theologian ( ) Cyril (826-69) & the Slavs Russia - 988

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