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Working with donors. For new/young organizations Start small…show success (spend money well) Invest in small, well-defined projects Partner with larger,

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Presentation on theme: "Working with donors. For new/young organizations Start small…show success (spend money well) Invest in small, well-defined projects Partner with larger,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with donors

2 For new/young organizations Start small…show success (spend money well) Invest in small, well-defined projects Partner with larger, more experienced organizations (become part of a consortium)

3 For established organizations Keep on the look-out for new/young organizations that appear to have potential capacity Invest in partner/donor management (visit, give talks, etc.) Build in administrative costs in short term grants Put partner/donor logo on materials/acknowledge in papers Share with all your donors/partners what you are doing (avoid divide/conquer approach)—most donors have relations with each other. Consider partnership with multiple groups (consortium)

4 For all organizations Always have case studies/stories with pictures ready to send Keep up on the people and activities of the donor organization Long-term approach/short-term approach (and mixed approach) to funding Prepare quarterly/annual reports (that are interesting!!) Always admit delays/failure: don’t try to hide/cover up problems Start thinking outside the box (companies, etc.)

5 For all organizations Get on email list serves Attend national/international meetings (press the flesh) When visiting a city offer to visit the offices of a donor Read the literature (you need to be smarter/appear to be smarter than the next organization)

6 Clearly articulate your mission Have a clear mission statement (identifies your niche) Have a strategic plan (get outside facilitation if needed)

7 Potential donors (interested in child eye health) NGOs Dark & Light Blind Care Sensis Light for the World Seva Canada CBM SSI ORBIS FHF (research) Government donors USAID CIDA AusAid, etc Foundations/Service clubs Lions (local, international, Netherlands, Swiss) Companies Donation of equipment & consumables (Alcon) Financial contribution

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