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Connecticut A New England Colony By: Courtney, Rebecca, and Anna.

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2 Connecticut A New England Colony By: Courtney, Rebecca, and Anna

3 Connecticut Religion  The religious group that settled in Connecticut first were the Puritans.  The people in Connecticut stayed Puritan for a long while.

4 What did Connecticut believe about the Government? TThey did not like King George and were against him and the laws he made. TThe Governor of Connecticut at the time was John Winthrop. AAlso, the Connecticut people were not Tories.

5 Daily life in Connecticut  The daily life in Connecticut was very harsh. The farming was bad because of the cold air and the hard rocky ground.  The farmers did not need slaves because there was no work for the slaves to do.

6 Connecticut Voting  The voting in Connecticut was very unfair in today’s world.  Only white male citizens and ONLY citizens were allowed to vote.

7 Who Made Important Decisions?  The person who most made the important decisions for Connecticut was John Winthrop.  He was the decision maker because he was the governor for Connecticut.

8 Awesome Facts  Connecticut got its name from the Indian name "Quinatucquet" which means "Beside The Long Tidal river".  Connecticut has had approximately 87 governors.  Thomas Hooker was the founder of Connecticut.  State Tree: White (Charter) Oak  State Bird: American Robin  State Flower: Mountain Laurel  State Animal: Sperm Whale  State Insect: Praying Mantis  State Mineral: Garnet  State Parks: 93  State Song: “Yankee Doodle"

9 Credits 1       Bibliography: Teachers' Curriculum Institute. Social Studies Alive! America's Past. Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2010. Print.

10 Credits 2  lutionary- war/colonies/connecticut.htm lutionary- war/colonies/connecticut.htm  olored_rock olored_rock  Microsoft Clip Art  Microsoft Power Point

11 THE END!  Thank you for watching!!

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