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The Australian Pictorial Thesaurus in 2003 Presenter: Allison Kingscote ACOC Seminar Wesley Centre, Sydney 25 July 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "The Australian Pictorial Thesaurus in 2003 Presenter: Allison Kingscote ACOC Seminar Wesley Centre, Sydney 25 July 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australian Pictorial Thesaurus in 2003 Presenter: Allison Kingscote ACOC Seminar Wesley Centre, Sydney 25 July 2003

2 The Australian Pictorial Thesaurus Introduction Background Operational management structure Day-to-day operations Future directions and access issues

3 Introduction APT is an online hierarchical thesaurus of specifically Australian subject terms Intended for indexing images and original materials in libraries, archives, museums Uses contemporary Australian words & phrases Free Terms arranged hierarchically Users can suggest new terms

4 Background Australian collections required a thesaurus of indexing terms of Australian terminology CASL (Council of Australian State Libraries) committed funding to development of an Australian thesaurus APT evolved from PICMAN database

5 Operational management structure

6 Day to day operations: Assessing proposed new terms for inclusion Communication with users Review of thesaurus hierarchy & web content Software upgrades/testing Alert to new developments

7 Future directions and access issues APT to become national standard Number of users is growing steadily Thesaurus purpose APT enhancing access to information APT increasing the value of metadata










17 APT subject headings used: awnings barbecues beer caravan parks caravans chairs country life

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