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WHOLE NUMBERS 1 NUMERATION – STAGE 2. By the end of these lessons, students should be able to: Say, read and write numbers of up to five digits State.

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Presentation on theme: "WHOLE NUMBERS 1 NUMERATION – STAGE 2. By the end of these lessons, students should be able to: Say, read and write numbers of up to five digits State."— Presentation transcript:


2 By the end of these lessons, students should be able to: Say, read and write numbers of up to five digits State the place value of digits in a five digit numbers Count forwards and backwards by tens and hundreds on and off the decade Arrange numbers of up to five digits in ascending and descending order Use the terms and symbols for ‘is less than’ ( ) LEARNING INTENTIONS

3 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 45 86 70 32 SAYING, READING AND WRITING NUMBERS Say and read the following numbers: 1.45 2.86 3.70 4.32 5.97 Write the following as numbers: 1.Fifty six = 2.Twenty nine = 3.Forty one = 4.Eighty three = 5.Sixty seven =

4 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 39 78 53 36 WRITING NUMBERS IN EXPANDED FORM The number 39 is made up of 3 tens and 9 ones. Or 39 = 30 + 9 The number 78 is made up of __ tens and __ ones. Or 78 = __ + __ The number 53 is made up of __ tens and __ ones Or 53 = __ + __ The number 36 is made up of __ tens and __ ones Or 36 = __ + __

5 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 84 19 57 36 PLACE VALUE What is the place value of: 1.the 8 in 84 2.the 9 in 19 3.the 7 in 57 4.the 3 in 36

6 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 278 132 689 548 376 SAYING, READING AND WRITING NUMBERS Say and read the following numbers: 1.278 2.132 3.689 4.548 5.376 Write the following as numbers: 1.Three hundred and forty nine = 2.Six hundred and seventy three = 3.Four hundred and fifty five = 4.One hundred and seventy nine = 5.Nine hundred and sixty three =

7 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 356 722 198 461 WRITING NUMBERS IN EXPANDED FORM The number 356 is made up of 3 hundreds 5 tens and 6 ones. Or 356 = 300 + 50 + 6 The number 722 is made up of __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 722 = ___ + ___ + __ The number 198 is made up of __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 198 = ___ + ___ + __ The number 461 is made up of __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 461 = ___ + ___ + __

8 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 543 791 268 152 PLACE VALUE What is the place value of: 1.the 4 in 543 2.the 7 in 791 3.the 8 in 268 4.the 1 in 152

9 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 1635 5129 8347 9038 3740 SAYING, READING AND WRITING NUMBERS Say and read the following numbers: 1.1635 2.5129 3.8347 4.9038 5.3740 Write the following as numbers: 1.Two thousand, one hundred and thirty six = ___ 2.Six thousand, five hundred and ninety two = ___ 3.Four thousand, two hundred and eighty one = ___ 4.Seven thousand, nine hundred and ten = ___ 5.Three thousand, four hundred and one = ___

10 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 4287 3651 9382 1750 WRITING NUMBERS IN EXPANDED FORM The number 4287 is made up of 4 thousands, 2 hundreds, 8 tens and 7 ones. Or 4287 = 4000 + 200 + 80 + 7 The number 3651 is made up of ___ thousands, __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 3651 = ___ + ___ + __ + ___ The number 9382 is made up of ___ thousands, __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 9382 = ___ + ___ + __ + ___ The number 1750 is made up of ___ thousands, __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 1750 = ___ + ___ + __ + ___

11 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 3649 8106 5724 1352 PLACE VALUE What is the place value of: 1.the 4 in 3649 2.the 8 in 8106 3.the 7 in 5724 4.the 2 in 1352

12 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 13275 41686 35427 93237 SAYING, READING AND WRITING NUMBERS Say and read the following numbers: 1.11, 635 2.25, 342 3.82, 347 4.79, 538 5.23, 649 Write the following as numbers: 1.Twenty two thousand, three hundred and fifteen = __ 2.Fifty six thousand, one hundred and thirty seven = __ 3.Thirteen thousand, two hundred and fifty six = ___ 4.Seventy one thousand, six hundred and eleven = ___ 5.Sixty three thousand, one hundred and fifty two = __

13 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 34546 15649 93471 WRITING NUMBERS IN EXPANDED FORM The number 34, 546 is made up of 3 ten thousands, 4 thousands, 5 hundreds, 4 tens and 6 ones. Or 34, 546 = 30, 000 + 4000 + 500 + 40 + 6 The number 15, 649 is made up of ___ ten thousands, ___ thousands, __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 15649 = _____ + _____ + ____ + _____ + _____ The number 93, 471 is made up of ___ ten thousands, ___ thousands, __ hundreds, __ tens and __ ones. Or 93, 471 = _____ + _____ + ____ + _____ + _____

14 ThousandsHundredsTensOnes Ten ThousandsThousandsHundredsTensOnes 27530 18964 95638 40739 PLACE VALUE What is the place value of: 1.the 3 in 27 530 2.the 1 in 18 964 3.the 5 in 95 638 4.the 7 in 40 739

15  Count forwards by 10s 1.20, 30, 40, __, __, __, 2.34, 44, 54, __, __, __, 3.120, 130, __, __, __, 4.247, 257, __, __, __, 5.1 340, 1 350, 1 360, ____, ____, 6.1 543, 1 553, 1 563, ____, ____, 7.14 650, 14 660, 14 670, ____, ____, 8.21 634, 21 644, 21 654, ____, ____, COUNTING FORWARDS BY TENS

16  Count backwards by 10s 1.90, 80, 70, __, __, __, 2.73, 63, 53, __, __, __, 3.170, 160, __, __, __, 4.449, 439, __, __, __, 5.1 650, 1 640, 1 630, ____, ____, 6.1 759, 1 749, 1 739, ____, ____, 7.14 650, 14 640, 14 630, ____, ____, 8.43 752, 43 742, 43 732, ____, ____, COUNTING BACKWARDS BY TENS

17  Count forwards by 100s 1.300, 400, 500, __, __, __, 2.334, 434, 534, __, __, __, 3.1 650, 1 750, 1 850, ____, ____, 4.1 524, 1 624, 1 724, ____, ____, 5.11 290, 11 390, 11 490, ____, ____, 6.32 537, 32 637, 32 737, ____, ____, COUNTING FORWARDS BY HUNDREDS

18  Count backwards by 100s 1.800, 700, 600, __, __, __, 2.779, 679, 579, __, __, __, 3.1 950, 1 850, 1 750, ____, ____, 4.1 763, 1 663, 1 563, ____, ____, 5.13 680, 13 580, 13 480, ____, ____, 6.54 621, 54 521, 54 421, ____, ____, COUNTING BACKWARDS BY HUNDREDS

19  Ascending order means that the the numbers are arranged from the lowest number to the highest number. Example: a)20, 30, 40, 50 b)37, 54, 63, 65 Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. 1.27, 63, 54, 10 __________________ 2.143, 786, 254, 245 ___________________ 3.3 276, 2 876, 8 943, 1 654 _________________ 4.15 634, 11 276, 10 768, 19 234 _________________ 5.547, 32, 1 765, 25 487 _________________ ASCENDING ORDER

20  Descending order means that the the numbers are arranged from the highest number to the lowest number. Example: a)90, 80, 70, 60 b)74, 64, 61, 39 Arrange the following numbers in descending order. 1.87, 93, 34, 60 __________________ 2.273, 546, 324, 975 ___________________ 3.1 356, 2 146, 6 943, 5 654 _________________ 4.11 634, 16 276, 10 334, 17 234 _________________ 5.846, 77, 5 625, 17 986 _________________ DESCENDING ORDER

21  Write True or False for the following: 1.23 < 65 2.87 > 43 3.139 > 145 4.2865 < 1245 5.860 > 574 6.15 674 < 14 765 7.1,300 > 2,400 8.797 > 979 LESS THAN ( )

22  What number is 10 less than: 1.76 = 2.59 = 3.143 = 4.258 = 5.2, 398 = 6.1, 654 = 7.15, 832 = 8.23, 623 = LESS THAN What number is 100 less than: 1.245 = 2.682 = 3.1,234 = 4.4,655 = 5.32, 587 = 6.14, 265 =

23  What number is 10 more than: 1.65 = 2.38 = 3.173 = 4.493 = 5.3, 187 = 6.2, 549 = 7.13, 765 = 8.35, 670 = MORE THAN What number is 100 more than: 1.562 = 2.943 = 3.1,741 = 4.7,489 = 5.27, 123 = 6.17, 209 =

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