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The Six Traits of Writing. Ideas The main point Awareness of details Knowing what’s important and interesting Having clarity, focus, and a sense of purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "The Six Traits of Writing. Ideas The main point Awareness of details Knowing what’s important and interesting Having clarity, focus, and a sense of purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Six Traits of Writing

2 Ideas The main point Awareness of details Knowing what’s important and interesting Having clarity, focus, and a sense of purpose.

3 Organization The structure of the piece Having a beginning, middle, and end The ability to organize and group A good sense of sequence

4 Voice Evidence of writer behind the message Enthusiasm, individuality, personality, and charm of the writer Tailoring communication to an audience Evokes an emotional response

5 Word Choice Evidence of precision in the use of words Awareness of language Understanding of different ways to say things Stretching to use new words

6 Sentence Fluency Rhythm and flow of the language Sentence sense Ear for language patterns Use of complex sentences Variety of sentence lengths

7 Conventions Mechanical correctness of the piece Awareness of writing conventions: spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage, paragraphing and capitalization

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