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Understanding Oikocryst alteration in the Meguma Gold Districts By Krista Sutton Supervisors Rick Horne and Rebecca Jamieson.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Oikocryst alteration in the Meguma Gold Districts By Krista Sutton Supervisors Rick Horne and Rebecca Jamieson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Oikocryst alteration in the Meguma Gold Districts By Krista Sutton Supervisors Rick Horne and Rebecca Jamieson


3 What we do know Unknown elongate mineral aggregates in slate Unknown elongate mineral aggregates in slate Mostly quartz, biotite, chlorite, carbonate, sphene, opaques Mostly quartz, biotite, chlorite, carbonate, sphene, opaques They record fold-related strain They record fold-related strain Thermally derived Thermally derived Down-Dip lineation (Lok) perpendicular to bedding – cleavage intersection (L1) Down-Dip lineation (Lok) perpendicular to bedding – cleavage intersection (L1)

4 S1- principle cleavage S2m – mineral fabric defined by aligned biotite What we do not know Type of metamorphic / metasomatic reaction Type of metamorphic / metasomatic reaction If they link deformation to veining If they link deformation to veining Their timing Their timing Basically.. ORIGIN Basically.. ORIGIN

5 The plan of attack Sampling in and outside of gold districts Sampling in and outside of gold districts Map sampling locations Map sampling locations Petrographic analysis Petrographic analysis Microprobe analysis Microprobe analysis Geochemical analysis Geochemical analysis Classification scheme of different forms Classification scheme of different forms Interpret relationships Interpret relationships Interpret origin Interpret origin

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