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Earth Science. The ability of a mineral to glow DURING and after exposure to ultraviolet light.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Science. The ability of a mineral to glow DURING and after exposure to ultraviolet light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Science

2 The ability of a mineral to glow DURING and after exposure to ultraviolet light

3 The bending of light rays as they pass through a mineral

4 The ability of a mineral to continue to glow AFTER exposure to ultraviolet light

5 Atoms are bonded tightly together

6 The mineral will split into even sheets

7 4

8 Quartz Feldspar Mica Calcite Iron

9 halite

10 Gold and copper

11 90%

12 Silicate minerals Nonsilicate minerals

13 Carbonates Oxides Sulfides Sulfates Halides Native elements

14 Silicon Oxygen

15 Feldspar is an example Composed to interconnected tetrahedrons that form an intricate framework

16 Chemical composition

17 Pitchblende

18 feldspar

19 magnetite

20 Density

21 Silicon Oxygen

22 Sodium Calcium

23 brilliant

24 lodestone

25 Garnet

26 The mineral with the higher number can scratch the lower number

27 Quartz is a framework silicate It contains only silicon-oxygen tetrahedra The bonds between the tetrahedra are very strong This makes quartz extremely hard

28 Feldspar is a framework silicate Some tetrahedra in feldspar have atoms of metal instead of silicon The bonds between these atoms are weaker than those between silicon and oxygen Therefore, feldspar is not as hard as quartz

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