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Mapping Terms. Compass Rose A Compass Rose is a figure on a compass used to display the main directions--- North, East, South and Westcompass.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Terms. Compass Rose A Compass Rose is a figure on a compass used to display the main directions--- North, East, South and Westcompass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Terms

2 Compass Rose A Compass Rose is a figure on a compass used to display the main directions--- North, East, South and Westcompass

3 Cardinal Directions The cardinal directions are the four standard points: North, South, East, and West. They are commonly seen on a compass and give you a geographical location.

4 Intermediate Directions Between the main directional points there are Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest.

5 Legend/Key The objects on a map are represented using symbols. A symbol is a picture on the map that represents something in the real world. Understanding these symbols requires the use of a key. Maps use a key, or legend, to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. These keys usually show a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each of these symbols.

6 Legend/Key Examples

7 Map Scale The scale of a map is the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground.mapratio In other words, it is a scale to measure the distance between one point to another on a map.

8 Map A representation, usually on a flat surface, of the whole or part of an area

9 Political Map Countries in Europe Texas Counties

10 Political Map Political maps are designed to show governmental boundaries of countries, states, and counties, the location of major cities, and they usually include significant bodies of water. Like the sample above, bright colors are often used to help the user find the borders.

11 Physical Map Physical maps are mainly used to show the physical features, like various landforms and water bodies, present on the earth's surface. Different colors, lines, tints, shading and spot elevations are used to show the elevation (the height at which something is raised) and to differentiate lowlands from the mountains.

12 Physical Map The Physical Map of Europe shows that most of the continent is a plane, the North European Plain being the dominant one. The important mountain ranges are the Alps, the Caucasus Mountains, and others.

13 Special Purpose Map A special purpose map is nothing more than a map that is meant to be used in a specific way. A treasure map has a specific purpose, but so does a map for a bus route or for local celebrity homes. ***When trying to identify the type of map, first rule out political and physical maps. If they do not fall into one of those categories, it is likely a special purpose map.***

14 Special Purpose Maps

15 Relative Location Relative location means to locate a place relative to other landmarks Examples: –The Texas Flags on Ms. O’s wall is to the right of the whiteboard. –The United States Flag is above the calendar *I am giving general locations for these things. I am not being too specific.

16 Absolute Location A point on the earth's surface expressed by a coordinate system such as latitude and longitude. The exact location of a place or item. Examples of the coordinate system: –(The Prime Meridian, Equator) –(25N, 20E) –(15S, 35W)

17 Latitude and Longitude The most common way to locate points on the surface of the Earth is by standard, geographic coordinates called latitude and longitude. These coordinates values are measured in degrees, and represent angular distances calculated from the center of the Earth.

18 Latitude The Equator is a line around the earth, an equal distance from both poles. The Equator is also the latitude line given the value of 0 degrees. This means it is the starting point for measuring latitude. Latitude values show the distance between the Equator and points north or south of it on the surface of the Earth.

19 Longitude Lines of longitude, called meridians, run perpendicular to lines of latitude The Prime Meridian line through Greenwich, England, is given the value of 0 degrees of longitude Longitude values show the distance between the Prime Meridian and points east or west of it on the surface of the Earth. Prime Meridian

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