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INSPIRATIONAL. MAGAZINE MEDIA IS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION Quality content lies at the heart of magazine media’s ability to inspire and drive action. Readers.

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2 MAGAZINE MEDIA IS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION Quality content lies at the heart of magazine media’s ability to inspire and drive action. Readers place a high level of trust in content and expect their favourite magazine media to act as a trusted advisor leading them to new ideas and inspiration which has a high level of application in their own lives. It also provides a huge opportunity for advertisers to stand out, as readers identified advertising in magazine media as most likely to spark ideas that they act upon.

3 VERRA BUIMLIJA, Chief Strategy Officer, MEC QUALITY CONTENT IS A KEY DRIVER FOR INSPIRATION “Magazines offer content that is second to none. There isn’t any other format that actually gets people more inspired.”

4 Source: The Rules of Attraction Study 2015 wave 2 Proportion of respondents who associate different media with each word of phrase 61% Gives me ideas Internet 57% TV 25% Newspapers 16% Newspapers 40% TV 28% Radio 24% TV 48% Newspapers 50% Radio 26% 41% Useful 39% Educational CONSUMERS TURN TO MAGAZINE MEDIA FOR IDEAS

5 87 % of consumers agree content gives them ideas and inspiration 81 % have bought an item or visited a place after reading about it in a magazine Source: The Rules of Attraction Study 2015 MAGAZINE MEDIA INSPIRES AND DRIVES ACTION

6 42 % 10% 8% INSPIRATION CARRIES OVER TO THE ADVERTISING 3% 25% W.W.W Source: The Rules of Attraction Study 2015 This media contains ads that spark ideas that I act upon “This media contains ads that spark ideas I act upon”

7 Source: GfK MRI, Fall 2012 Base: Top quintile of usage for each medium among adults with a HHI of $50K+ Super influential are defined as people who have great experience in this topic and whose advice on this topic is trusted by friends and family members Magazine TV Radio Outdoor Tv Newspaper 42 38 3 6 4 2 MAGAZINE READERS’ OPINIONS ARE SOUGHT OUT Magazine media not only inspires those who consumer it, but has the potential to spread the message further. GfK found that magazine media is one of the top channels used by people defined as super-influential – those who are seen as topic experts and whose opinions are trusted by friends and family

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