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Testing L3 muon unpacking online Paul Balm collaboration meeting, Oct 2000.

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1 Testing L3 muon unpacking online Paul Balm collaboration meeting, Oct 2000

2 Oct 200 - collab. mtg.Paul Balm2 Testing of last weeks Scintillator data from cosmics –3 crates What did L3 do –First actual look at the data! –Get the crate/module ID from the data, from the geometry obtain pos. of hit in D0 coordinates –Pass/reject based on # hits in event Test was successful –some events rejected (no hits -only trigger crate) –some events successfully sent to Collector/Router

3 Oct 200 - collab. mtg.Paul Balm3 Tests remaining Repeat this test for PDT data –currently there is a problem of synchronization –no idea when this is fixed (being worked on) –then we can also try our tracking… Sync bits were not tested on in last week’s test… –that test must be put in the code (MF)

4 Oct 200 - collab. mtg.Paul Balm4 Requests for muon commissioning Coincidence filter: Pass if there is coincidence between specific scintillators will greatly reduce noise (now >90% noise!) Implementation –using the run config only will be too coarse (module level) –will need RCP config - need to think: how to list all scintillators in RCP how to discriminate internally in filter –finding the time to do it is a problem…

5 Oct 200 - collab. mtg.Paul Balm5 Proposal - v0.0 Examples of coincidences requested: –SFE $22/Chan 19 with OR of (SFE $03/Chans 0-4) –SFE $22/Chan 35 with OR of (SFE $03/Chans 16-20) –SFE $23/Chan 03 with OR of (SFE $03/Chans 32-36) Use one filter for each type (1/line above) –Config file (RCP): This scheme only allows 2 OR-terms between 2 SFEs per filter, and either one channel per SFE or a range. Filters can also be OR-ed Is that flexible enough? TrigSFE = 22 TrigSFEChanList = (19) DataSFE = 3 DataSFEChanList = (0,4)

6 Oct 200 - collab. mtg.Paul Balm6 Conclusion Learned from past test –geometry has to be initialized, stream numbers, start thinking about non-existent crates –no severe problems in filter code Remaining testing –L3 filters should not be a big problem - an afternoon should be enough –waiting for PDT synchronization problem sync bit test in unpacking code Coincidence filter –Not a huge job once we figure out implementation –sorry - I cannot give you a schedule

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