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PIP Update May 28 th 2014. Agenda Summary Update – Current Activities/Updates – Ken Domann.

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1 PIP Update May 28 th 2014

2 Agenda Summary Update – Current Activities/Updates – Ken Domann

3 Update – Linac SBK: Working on gallery and working towards CDR (in June) – Linac LN: Investigating the source of an instability in the fiber amp chain - expect that this is due to an instability in our current seed source – Modulator work: Build up of 25 cell – (still communicating with SLAC – finishing up some details) Studies on ripple spec for modulators done – Linac Beam Physics: No news – Injector: Testing larger volume source in test stand, Gas Testing Next? – Booster Beam: Transverse damper – have used for tune measurements – need to change ACNET software for ease of use Cogging software work continues – Cogging is working on MI cycles!! Working on transition and finer ctrl. Booster optics software – New tune control works (problem in database fixed) moving on to higher intensities Booster Longitudinal dampers - a full design with single sideband bench tested, making beam transfer function measurements being implemented – Booster RF Booster RF5 is out of tunnel and cooling down – no work stated yet… RF13 – Has had the cracked taper repaired and flange work is completed. Starting to re-assemble. New Parallel Cavities –Perpendicular Cavities – Had meeting to discuss design and issues – proceeding with testing of new ferrites Built the first new tuner – with the new ferrites!! Out at MI 60 being prepared for install onto cavity. Booster Anode Supplies – Have POs placed for: Step Start Cabinet (all we need is to add MOVs and PTs, delivery date of 7/22), Enclosure (delivery date of 7/18), PTs (delivery date 6/11), Diodes (delivery date 7/8), Bleeder Resistors (delivery date of 7/17), Voltage Divider (delivery date of 7/16), Load Disconnect Switches (delivery date of 6/20), and Capacitors (first delivery on 6/25, multiple shipments). A req. is in place for the heat sinks. We are talking to companies concerning PCBs and Resistors. All that is left to order is: PCBs, Water cooled resistors (will be made in house), and Cap resistors (currently being looked into by Ohmite). After the POs are complete we will move onto controls. Booster Bias supplies – First one is done and should be part of the test stand cavity testing? – Booster Shielding – Completed another round of scans with Scarecrows, TLM and Chipmunks. Going over data…. – Booster BPM work – 1. using the existing timing board from the recycler i will replace the cyclone III FPGA with an Arria GX which has the enhanced PLLs. this will allow the system to track and lock to the Booster RF, generating a clock 4 times faster for the ADCs to sample the beam. 2. Multiply by 4 circuit will also be implemented as backup on the timing board. 3. Performed beam measurement at injection to observe the 201 MHz frequency to understand the signal amplitude ( 30 mv to 5 mV). 4. Measured frequencies and amplitudes after capture. 5. Preliminary design of 2 frequencies - analog conditioning channel which sends the signal to digitizers. 6. Identified possible limitations of the 250 MHz digitizer as presently designed. Nathan, Alexei and Peter will have to discuss how to modify. – Booster Nothcer – Pulsing long kicker in tunnel (on floor) on new system Getting running time in on new system – looking at performance. Like to connect three loads in gallery to ensure it can work for 700 MeV notching Working on modifications to Short 12 spool piece and secondary absorber (reduce loses on surface)

4 Cavities Refurbishment – 10 of 19 cavities have been refurbished Install refurbished cavity in slot 2 Pull Cavity RF 5 (need to fix taper) RF 5 removed for repair

5 First New Tuner –With New Ferrites

6 Recent PIP Budget/News Budget Issues: – Another budget meeting in June (after dust settles) General: P5 report out – PIP II is the plan PMG – Was suppose to be today but no new dates/plan – Who will replace Stuart – not sure but he has listed PIP as one of his important tasks Lots of shutdown talk – Regular SD planning Update of RLS – Some Booster items remain Director is interested in 20 Hz – potential users….. – Talk next week at PIP II meeting Post-Doc position for PIP – Two candidates

7 Upcoming Talks Future Meetings to be Scheduled: Peter/Craig – New Booster BPM Plan Matt/John – New Tuner Kiyomi Seiya - Cogging Tom Kubicki – New Booster Cavity Plan Bill Pellico - Loss Scans and Shielding Assessment John Reid - Solid State Installation - Final Report

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